如何修復卡在Apple Logo上的無盡重啟iOS 7越獄問題

如何修復卡在Apple Logo上的無盡重啟iOS 7越獄問題






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EiD是一個博客網站,可為您提供有關Apple,iOS,Mac,iPhone,iPod Touch,iPad,Apple TV,Cydia,越獄,Winterboard主題,調整,黑客,Mod和應用程序的完整報道。基本上所有與您的Apple產品的硬體到軟體有關的事情。 。

  1. IPad video. Fruit. Fruit Loop fruit. For a lift installation how many minutes does oppressive volume and the power button how many times

  2. This is the same thing with the Phoenix jailbreak for iOS 9 .3.5
    I jailbroken my iPhone 4s and it is just stuck on the Apple logo and if it is plugged in it will make the charging sound. I found a way to get all my data back to get out of the screen by pressing and holding the power and home button until the screen turns off when it turns back on it boots up as normal

  3. Hello. Can anyone help me? I have tried to restore my iPhone with itunes and it comes up an error. The apple logo turns on and off. I have tried to power off, hard reset, and put it into DMU mode. Everything on YouTube I have tried. I my phone is jailbroken and then I tried to factory reset the phone only because iStudio emplyees suggested I do that. My phone was supposed to be unlocked after I jailbroke it with Cedia. I was told to try and factory reset the phone to see if that would help.Any other options for me or should I destroy it with a hammer?

  4. Hello, everyone. I have an iPhone 4. I jailbroke my phone 3 years ago. I was trying to unlock my phone, so I could use it with a company abroad. An I.T. guy tried to factory reset my phone which made it stick in the Apple loop. I have tried everything on YouTube and nothing is working. I finally bought a new phone, but would like to fix my old phone. I was told at the Apple store to buy a new phone and throw my old one away, but if I do that someone else will find it and fix it. Does anyone have any solutions apart from the videos on YouTube?

  5. thanks man. I get to update my iPhone and even get everything back because of my backup. I was afraid that I would lost all of my photos.

  6. I was updating around 10 tweaks at same time and it got stuck on the logo. I of course tried this and its still didnt work it got stucked there again. So I am still waiting for someone to help me please it has been 30 mins :/ im about to die

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