
不列顛哥倫比亞省衛生官員邦妮·亨利(B​​onnie Henry)博士周六在該省報告了95例新的COVID-19病例,使卑詩省的病例總數增加。至1,948。





#CoronavirusOutbreak #GlobalNews#COVID-19Outbreak。

  1. She's so full of s*** about those parks and beaches whatever I f*** so sick of these people play forest fires dirty washroom Swede to keep the balance for covid-19 go to f**** bed

  2. Not sure why the more secluded area's of BC can't open up. Glad Canada is doing with they need to do, but it's totally being unrealistic, not to understand, if there is no vaccine, we are not going to be able to continue to run at this level of support from the Government. People will not be able to survive living this way either.

  3. As usual the media don't ask the important questions that people really want to know about. (except for the parks closure question where the answer did not make sense)
    How about;
    – The new case curve has been more than flattened and is on a downward trajectory since about March 25 so why are the restrictions not being relaxed?
    – Why are surgeries being postponed when hospitals are not overwhelmed and many staff have little to do?
    – You have modeled the covid19 potential impact to health. Why not model the health impact of shutting the economy down and those impacts such as mental health, suicides, depression, poverty etc.?
    – Why are rural areas of the province treated the same as urban areas regarding shut down. Example Interior Region has 8 people hospitalized. How can you or the government justify these measures when we did not do that for H1N1 swine flu?
    – Question for the (phantom) premier: The data does not justify the draconian shut down measures for everyone everywhere. Why are you sending small businesses to bankruptcy and employees to unemployment and not rather opening up the economy?
    The end.
    Question for the media: Why am I doing your job?

  4. Empty hospitals and patients waiting to get planned surgeries and some wonder why we don't trust those in charge…

    Here are the official Coronavirus guidelines:

    1. Basically, you can't leave the house for any reason, but if you have to, then you can.

    2. Masks are useless. But they will protect you. They can save you, no they can』t, they』re useless, but wear one anyway. Now they』re mandatory. But maybe. Or not.

    3. Stores are closed, except for the ones that are open.

    4. You should not go to the hospital unless you have to go there. Stay out of the ER at all costs unless you』re having a medical emergency then it』s okay.

    5. This virus is deadly but still not too scary, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster. Stay calm.

    6. Gloves won't help, but they can still help. Especially if you wear the same pair for hours and everywhere you go, then you can not spread germs, well, maybe.

    7. Everyone needs to stay home, but it's important to go out because sunlight will kill the virus but not if the virus kills you first by walking in the sunlight where you may be exposed to the virus.

    8. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarket, but there are many things missing when you go there in the evening, but not in the morning. Sometimes.

    9. The virus has no effect on children except those it has affected or will affect.

    10. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested yet, and a tiger.. and one really deadly but also possibly fictional but very sick bat.

    11. You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you can also get sick without symptoms, have symptoms without being sick, or be contagious without having symptoms.

    12. In order not to get sick, you have to eat well and exercise, but also never go out to the grocery store so eat shelf stable processed stuff and stay inside your four walls but also stay healthy.

    13. It's better to get some fresh air, but you may be arrested if you』re getting fresh air the wrong way and most importantly, don't go to a park, the fresh air there is deadly.

    14. Under no circumstances should you go to retirement homes, but if you have to take care of the elderly and bring them food and medication then fine. Just wear gloves. The same ones. All day.

    15. If you are sick, you can't go out, but you can go to the pharmacy to get your medications. Just don』t make eye contact cause you may spread your sickness that way.

    16. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house, which may have been prepared by people who didn't wear masks or gloves. But you have to leave your groceries outside for 3 hours to be decontaminated by the fresh air that also may have virus particles floating around in it.

    17. Taxi drivers are immune to the virus apparently since you can still take a taxi ride with a random taxi driver. Just don』t take the taxi to your mom』s house because you know. Stay away from your mom.

    18. You can walk around with a friend if you stay six feet apart but don』t visit with your family if they don't live under the same roof as you. Even if you』ve all been locked inside for two months already. You may still have the virus and just not know it yet. You』ll find out. Wait another week. Wasn』t that a week? Might be the next one. Keep waiting.

    19. You are safe if you maintain the appropriate social distance, but you can』t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance. Social distancing means you shouldn』t leave your house and don』t be social, except you may go to the liquor store but don』t socialize there while you』re being socially distant.

    20. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours, no, four, no, six, no, we didn't say hours, maybe days? But it takes a damp environment. Oh no, not necessarily.

    21. The virus stays in the air – well no, or yes, maybe, especially in a closed room, in one hour a sick person can infect ten, so if it falls, all our children were already infected at school before it was closed. But remember, you should stay at the recommended social distance, however in certain circumstances you should maintain a greater distance, which, studies show, the virus can travel further, maybe.

    22. We count the number of deaths but we don't know how many people are infected as we have only tested so far those who were "almost dead" to find out if that's what they will die of…

    23. The virus will only disappear if we achieve collective immunity.. but stay inside until the virus disappears.

  5. Doctors, nurses and caregivers don't live or shop where they work….personal support workers…hospital janitors…etc….and either do their families….so community spread is not going to stop…all these efforts are futile….protect the old and sick and open my city now…if you are too afraid to ever leave your house again, then so be it….just remember that the welfare cheques are going to be a lot smaller than the cerb cheques…

  6. BC should follow South Korean model which is aggressive and intensive approach such as widespread testing and contact tracing. Don』t follow American way which is just lockdown and wait and see how things change.

  7. If only the majority of Canadians could get out of the Matrix and wake up from the deep demonic slumber they have been subjected to by their wicked so called leaders who are tied at the hip to modern day Babylon South of the border. Only those who have eyes to see and ears to hear truly understand the current state of affairs. Job 9:24 states "The earth will be given into the hand of the wicked." The question one must ask themselves is who are the wicked? Who benefits from the panic, hysteria, chaos, propoganda, disinformation, confusion, lies, terror etc…? It is astonishing for me to witness how people do not realize the significance of this psychological and spiritual operation unleashed on humanity which is unprecedented in human history. The current virus is the fear. However, the real virus which will soon arrive is technologically driven and is worse than what one could ever imagine. No one needs to believe me. All they have to do is apply logic and critical thought and conduct their own research. The real nightmare is just around the corner and you can bet that the worshippers of Satan who run this world and have the majority of nations in their pocket are currently working at lighting speed to usher in their dream which will surely be humanity's worst nightmare. APTTMH! ???

  8. We're all infected 70% 80% are asymptomatic. Otherwise they would just test us all. The joke was boomer remover but in reality yeah this is going to get old people.

  9. People with obsessive compulsive disorder spend lots of time washing things, wiping surfaces and they also count things over and over again (like dead bodies). So we've got a handful of these people with a psychological disorder ordering 3.3 billion of us to act stupid.

  10. why is this emotional for her on the first nations what about alllllllll the people that have past Dr.Henry???? this is crazy why we are always thanking them why ?? I am from Sask and we are opening May 4th and I think itt is wayyyy to soon I am scared this is going to be a very stupid move. I say e open together as we are in this together are we not???

  11. Women Power…
    Jacinda New Zealand
    Angela Mark Germany

    And Canada is Also in women Hand Hope They Can save Canada Kindly React Strongly Like New Zealand And Germany…. God Bless You ??????

  12. Hey doctor Bonnie Henry please tell Canadians how they are being denied the right to see loved ones in hospitals because your fear mongering .

  13. It』s hopeless. All the sacrifices we made were for nothing. We were winning, and then all it took was one selfish irresponsible person to go into work when they』re sick to cause a big outbreak and totally destroy all our progress. No restrictions will be lifted in May anymore, or ever. I give up.

  14. We shut down our economy to mitigate a surge of cases that would overwhelm our health care system and to protect our senior citizens.
    Two points: the surge never happened and we failed to stop the death of our senior citizens. Conclusion: the shut down was a failure on both counts.
    Now we a facing a global economic crisis that will kill millions around the world, drug addiction has increased, domestic violence has increased and so on and so on.
    Why does everyone have tunnel vision? The flu kills 60 to 70 thousand every year.
    The opioid crisis kills thousands in BC. Yes, 100 people dying is heartbreaking, but what about the thousands and millions that die each year that don』t make the news.
    Do some basic research people! The real crisis is coming and it will damage our country for decades. Our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will suffer for our short sightedness.
    Wake Up!

  15. Blame your children for their selfishness and futile attempts to take care of their elders ….I would rather be an old Eskimo on a glacier.

  16. It pains me locals don』t have houses where as corrupt ccp members leave there huge houses empty in vancouver.,, increase foreign buyers tax …. to minimum 60% or bar them because lower real estate prices would be exploited by ccp .,

  17. Crash in property prices would be exploited by more corrupt ccp Chinese.., they will buy more houses .., please bar please bar all foreign Chinese buyers from buying houses.,, let locals live please

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