特朗普在消毒劑爭端中舉行通報會,因為美國冠狀病毒死亡人數超過50,000 –現場直播

唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和冠狀病毒工作隊成員在攝像機上向記者們做了簡要介紹。 。

  1. Im surprised that nobody has thought of holding these briefings virtually online, like in the UK. That way Trump will be less heated during these discussions and can get straight to the point without interruptions??

  2. It』s funny how at a high level is working
    It is tremendous
    It』s great (funny that)
    We are sending what to all these countries .. B.S.
    Funny how he switched to economy and even that is Sh!te
    F Numpty Trumpty
    2 days stuff was up sh』t creek
    Funny how his admin worked hard and other 184 countries sat their with their fingers up their ? poop shoot
    Many, many tests
    And love the word throwing in the most sh!te combo …. oh and speed as well

  3. Oh his poor supporters are already infected by STD. Stupid tRump disease. Not to worry 「 it』ll magically disappear like a big beautiful miracle. It』ll be FANTASTIC 「! smh

  4. Trumps was being sarcastic when he said about disinfectant in vaccines … He was referring to existing vaccines ALREADY containing formaldehyde and other disinfectants and toxic stuff that Big Pharma has been pumping into you for decades, BUT NOT TELLING YOU ABOUT.

  5. Trump tells CNN this morning that last night he put some drain cleaner in his whiskey the President said it has now affected his sex drive, he said he does'nt know if he's 'coming or going'

  6. NPR reported today as of 4/25/2020 in a >2 hr program about social separation, you can look it up. Suicide rate in America is 45,000/ , and equal's 800,000/ worldwide.

  7. I look forward to Prez Trump long hearings everyday as an inspiration and educates citizens what is going on. Mr Prez is my favorite and a genius politician and manager of any situation. Boo on the media!

  8. This disinfectant thing is stupid. He never suggested injecting disinfectant directly into the blood stream, he suggested injections that did something similar to disinfectant into the lungs and he was talking to the R and D man when he said that. As usual the media changes the context to create a strawman arguement.

  9. Trump Supporters: Trump never said to drink or inject bleach into your bodies. And if he did, he didn't mean it. And if he did, you didn't understand it. And if you did, it's not a big deal. And if it is, others have said worse.

  10. Am on my 4th bottle of Dettol…..awaiting the sunshine in Ireland. Any chance he might sell the hotel here as he is so unwanted in this land…..probably am speaking for both the UK and Europe also ?

  11. He doesn't always give out medical advice but when he does… people die.

    He's…The Most Ignorant Man In The World.

    Stay healthy my friends. (dont listen to DJT)

  12. I keep seeing that Mankind is totally lost over this Coronavirus deal, the Covid 19; if a real disaster struck, with no kind of communications between ourselves, and soon with no food, not too many would be left in the end.

  13. "An international chorus of doctors and health experts urged people not to drink or inject disinfectant"
    Common Vaccine ingredients: Thimerosal – DISINFECTANT- Formaldehyde – DISINFECTANT
    POTUS got Media and Doctors to ADMIT vaccines are not safe.

  14. Trump got it right, we are number 1 in confirmed corona virus deaths , we have a quarter of the worlds confirmed deaths although we are only 5% of the whole world population., Americans this is a fact we Americans are only 5% of the world population. Ask our self's a question how powerful do you feel?.

  15. Trump said each governor have to take care of it's own needs. Now Trump is back paddling from what he said. With Trump, verbal word or contract is meaningless because he is thoughtless. Everything should be written on the paper to be communicated so he can't back paddle what he said. S Korea reduced spreading now thus don't need same number of test as the US. It's clear that Trump suffers from narcissism.

  16. Start a war is the only way cure Americans.. sell more weapons, kill more ppl in middle east, and steal more cheap oil. Trump and most Americans dont care covid 19 anymore. They want move on.

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