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-德懷特·費爾菲爾德(Dwight Fairfield)-其他名字的故事

Tome III:ESCALATION將於4月29日通過The Archives提供。

Dead by Daylight是一種不對稱的多人恐怖遊戲,其中一個玩家扮演殘酷的殺手,而其他四個則扮演倖存者的角色。作為殺手,您的目標是犧牲儘可能多的倖存者。作為倖存者,您的目標是逃避並避免被抓住和殺死。



#deadbydaylight #dbd #dbdarchives。

  1. Lol the writing quality in the archives is so fucking cringey tbh. It's like high school livejournal poetry levels of amateur

  2. This games dead, might as well stop with the new content and fix the issues assuming the devs are even smart enough to figure out how

  3. Can we fix the damn game before we add new stuff. This game has been out for 3 years and people are still complaining about about the same stuff. Tell us if it's fixable or not stop adding new bugs into the game

  4. This is cool and all but they still ain't removed/nerfed noed? They seriously need to balance noed because it's the most crutch perk in the game and can give killers the 4k within an instant. Other than that great job with the skins

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