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  1. Looks like the the I'm-so-smart-because-my-uncle-was-a-MIT-professor "Genius War Leader" is not going to give anymore propaganda briefings. What a shame. A daily display of incompetence should help encourage his supporters to drop ranks.

  2. Trump will go down as the worst, most incompetent, lying president in US history miles ahead of Nixon, GWBush Jr. Harding, Pierce and Buchanan. He's an embarrassment worldwide !!

  3. So the FDA could do these kinds of things in weeks instead of years? The FDA has been milking the American taxpayers all along causing the prices to skyrocket while padding their own pockets.

  4. Mr.President fo not stop to talk to AMERICA.
    Is exactly what DEMOCRAT COMMUNIST PARTY want.

  5. Here is the true facts here in my state. I can get someone tested when I am at the hospital but in my private practice it is very hard for me to order a test. That is my experience. We need to get testing lined out so we know who and don't have it. Without this we are fishing blindfolded around trees.

  6. It is good that Trump has had so much exposure to the American people these past weeks. Many people were not ready to admit that he is indeed a moron. They are finding that to hard to deny after watching his daily nonsense.

  7. I would hope that the task force would continue from the experts to the president the information received is the only counter to the creative reporting of the media. For those who don』t appreciate this comment, you know exactly how I feel as you could never believe that much of the media』s headlines are fiction.

  8. I』m a Trump fan but I admit I』m having a Trump fatigue syndrome. This is short and sweet conference,Trump not taking questions from these biased reporters which is perfect.Trump no matter what he does their mind cannot be convinced because of these reporters mind is already made up against him.The less he appears on camera the better off he will be in his poll numbers.

  9. The whole Trump presidency is similar to an action film with all the thrills and chills, of a brave, decent, courageous man, combating evil to save people.
    The differences are:
    (1) It's a four year experience (which will be eight in November) instead of two hours.
    (2) It's the real thing.

  10. "Where is Steven?" Trump asks. Hes there, next to you, where you told him to be. What a fake, and a liar Trump is. ?Can Trump be charged with inciting suicide? That creepy looking girl who told her boyfriend to lock himself in a garage with a hose to the exhaust to go through with it, was charged and imprisoned.

  11. Trump has a high IQ and is the greatest ever president. Just follow his advice, drink Dettol and you'll be fine. MAGA GO TRUMP 1920

  12. If the press can』t ask the burning questions on behalf of the public then where is the transparency and democracy?
    Dictatorship in the making!!

    It』s not difficult to answer questions if you have nothing to hide, have good judgement, temperament and understanding. Sadly these are none of the qualities you could relate to this president.

  13. First of all Mr. President Id like to that you for doing a great job keeping our country great and free of rapist and bad people. May God Bless you amd Mrs. Tramp.
    My question is.
    Im outta work and on a tight budget. At the dollar store they have a off brand bleach. Can i drink that or does it have to be a brand name bleach like Clorox? Clorox is $3.57 a gallon compared to to $1 a gallon at the dollar store. I was thinking i can get 3x more at the dollar store. My second question is. Can i mix Koolaid powder with it? I dont like the taste drinking it straight. Oh yeah my mama sez im a good kisser.

  14. Why are so many old white guys coming back from boats at docks coming back looking like zombies? Is it drug related or prostitution? I've seen so much here in my hometown. It has really opened my eyes.

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