紐約雜誌說,冠狀病毒暴露了紐約的不平等早上喬| MSNBC


MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日見面會,Ari Melber的節拍,Deadline:Nichole Wallace的白宮,硬式棒球,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等內容中查找視頻片段和片段。


紐約雜誌說,冠狀病毒暴露了紐約的不平等早上喬| MSNBC。

  1. This story highlights socio-economic inequality which, I think, infects all aspects of life. I agree it's wrong and needs to be addressed. However, top newscasters on all these stations, MSNBC included are making millions per year in salary. It's like people at a banquet gorging on expensive food watching a documentary about starving people around the world having conversations like "oh those poor kids". Yeah, those poor kids…just not you

  2. wow the media acting like they never knew about wealth disparity and favoritism of the the lily white and rich. United Nations called the USA out on this 2 years ago and you the media barely gave it a mention. The whole world has know for decades about the inequality abuses and the rampant hatred and racism in your country

  3. You and joe are nothing but fake news and racist the Democratic Party doesn』t care about low income people or minority』s of color as long as they vote Democratic and for you joe why did you leave politics and one of your staff members were found dead???

  4. Nothing new in this news. The same is happening in the Philippines. The poor aren't even admitted to hospitals. Reports are all over of poor patients dying because hospitals turned them away, even for non Covid cases.

  5. Nursing home workers currently cannot get even one N 95 mask as they are all sent to hospitals who do not need them. They are laying off staff. Nursing homes have had the most infections and deaths and are treated as inadequate to receive N 95 masks. Sad but true.

  6. Politicizing this pandemic is just wrong, doesn't matter if its the GOP doing it for their own political agenda, or the left wingers doing it for their own social justice, leftist agenda.

  7. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate.Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate.Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate. Divide. Create hate.

  8. Even people with insurance, particularly Gov. employees, aren't safe…its a friggin' plague dude. No point politicizing this crap, this kind of garbage just makes people even stupider

  9. So MSNBC was wrong about creating panic that our hospitals would be overrun with a massive death toll…so let's just go back to the race-baiting and class warfare that we do best, okay?

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