
「 PS5價格泄漏顯示了索尼可以與強大的Xbox Series X進行對抗的一種方式。」在此視頻中,「最鹹的遊戲」分解了有關ps5及其最新價格泄漏的最新信息,以及它將如何幫助索尼重拾ps4一代的成功!



Former Sony Dev: PS5 and Xbox Series X Power Difference Is Quite Shocking, Several Developers Say


#ps5#playstation5 #sony。

  1. if ps5 is 400$ well no matter if xbox is stronger cuz if its 100 dollars cheaper you can get like a brand new game and another bit older game or like another controller.

  2. Fanboy much? GPU core count is the ONLY real advantage XsX has. PS5 has dedicated geometry rendering, dedicated audio processing, and multiple advantages in IO processing and management, to the point that actual graphical rendering may be better on PS5 since XsX has to use a lot of their 18-20% power advantage to do the rendering on chip (advanced audio especially uses quite a bit of processing power normally, and as far as geometry goes, Mesh/Primitive shading may be magnitudes better on PS5 and completely nullify any advantages XsX has). Ray tracing is probably the biggest advantage XsX has, but having pure GPU power numbers does not make games look better, as PS4 has better looking games than X1X with almost 50% less power

  3. i don't really care abou the price as long its between 400-600 euros what people really want is a competitive machine to the xbox and we aren't seeing that ffs

  4. 400 would probably be day-1 for a lot of people. I'm interested to see what people buy if lockhart ps5 and anaconda release at 350, 400 and 450 respectively. ?

  5. Wrong Sony going to do them.. Fanboys just want To validate their purchase… Spec shows Sony built the better hardware in terms of efficiency…

    Microsoft made their choice with power trying to force their console to handle new features. Imo it's not going to work
    Microsoft sx talks about a ssd they think is better. Lol or their bc(thing) decompression being better which they not willing to talking about or show off… Weird from a company that was showing off everything before.

    "Boost mode" is ps5 peak performance not all games need to use all tjst power to perform well. But boost mode is continuous.. It's a feature that games will tap into and once it's on it stay on.. We still dont know ps5 or Microsoft full specs. But Sony built the ps5 way better in terms of purpose… Microsoft Xbox sx is just everywhere with no real direction unless they don't want to tell their customers.

  6. Don't fucking trust it, it sounds to good to be true, it might be real, it might not, just don't get your hopes up and don't state anything as fact, worst thing you can do is hype it to oblivion.

  7. Xbox gonna be fire ngl I only hate on Xbox because it』s fun when we have consoles wars I』m buying that PS5 it』s game that matter to me not power it』s not gonna be a big difference for me anyway as long that mf play games I』m good.

  8. Well, my definition of cheap or low would be at $199-$99 usd, now that would be surprisingly low. And everybody and their mamas would pick up a damn PS5.

    ( Then everybody in this comment section is going to tell me to to stop dreaming and wake up.

  9. You guys will believe any bs shoved in front of you….."PS5 is more powerful", "Some random Ma and Pa game store in Victoria, Canada says the price is $399"………….you're all so desperate for good news that you'll grasp at anything, even when it's all bullshit.

  10. I just bought a switch, I love PlayStation, but the nintendo fanboy in me told me to get a switch, and I』m so glad I did.

  11. Lmao people talk about Xbox being more powerful like 20 percent extra speed matters. It's all about games, graphics are good but that's not why people buy consoles. My PC (1080TI) has better graphics by far than the PS4. But the games keep bringing me back. Same with switch, not about graphics. It's about games and price.

  12. Xbox Series X 12.1TF
    PS5 9.2TF Variable occasionally Boosted up to 10.28TF

    The Xbox Series X is more powerful than the PS5 and no a 4 seconds faster SSD is not going to change that

  13. I feel like I need to clarify some things for y'all…when I talked about the power of the PS5, I was reading directly from an article on WCCFTECHDOTCOM. I sourced the article in the description, but no one seems to see that, here's the link:….also, it come down to the talent of the developers to utilize said power and Sony has that in spades! At the end of the day it comes down to the games, and Sony has the clear advantage in that area.

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