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語音旁白:喬恩·貝利(Jon Bailey)又名史詩般的語音男
製作人:Spencer Gilbert,Joe Starr和Max Dionne
編輯:凱文·威廉森(Kevin Williamsen)
後期製作主管:Emin Bassavand
聯合製片人:Ryan O’Toole
執行製片人:Roth Cornet


  1. When I think about Sonic's hyperactivity and incessant self-talking, a person sitting alone and stranded in a parallel world for 10 years would probably be insane from the loneliness.

  2. They did well enough with what they had, but if sonic had peach fuzz on his arms instead of blue and a white patch between his eyes it would had gotten practically everyone. It's funny how a lil cosmetics changes everything….

    How many would have watched the nightmare fuel version?

  3. It is pretty hilarious how Marsden is always the second choice when IMO he's hotter and nicer than some of the guys the lead lady picked over him.? Plus it's fun when someone so sexy is also very funny.

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