


  1. This video is less than a quarter of the full 43 minute presentation that can be found by following the link in the description and then hunting for "WebSocket Applications and Vision for the Future" or just adding /s/post/1382/websocket_applications_and_vision_for_the_future_ to the marakana dot com domain.

  2. Good points on rethinking browser apps and moving processing out to the browser. On that thought; I want Frames back … not depreciated. I've been using Frames for years to section off active areas for … let's just say different "components" of a web-page application and it's very nice. The old criticisms that led to their demise are simply no longer valid. For example, it doesn't matter that search engines can't keep track of dynamic content. New coding is too much like the very old way.

  3. SocketIO didn't get enough love when they were talking about polyfils when in reality that solves 99% of the Websocket adoption problem by providing graceful fallback to various protocols

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