

半島電視台的海蒂·周·卡斯特羅(Heidi Zhou-Castro)報道了美國華盛頓特區。


#US冠狀病毒#COVID19 #ReopenAmerica。

  1. People need to remember the lessons learned by San Francisco during the Spanish Flu. They were pressured to lift the restrictions early because of businesses and the economy. Once lifted, the germs suddenly had access to so many more hosts and the the number of cases skyrocketed. We can either stay at home a little extra for good measure, or we can lift the restrictions and get many more people sick so that we have to start all over again and lock ourselves down even longer the second time around. Yes, times are bad, but do we want money or do we want health? Do we want profits or do we want lives?

  2. The purpose of lockdowns is to halt transmission spread. Have these lockdowns achieved that? If yes, great. If no, expect corona to surge.

  3. Business closed due to lockdown ? It's better put a sign :"Business Closed due to Covid-19 in This Area (Infected : 1 person , Death : 1 person), for example".

  4. It's all about our economy thinking about only yourself. But it's a global crisis, how you gonna face alone. As an 1st world country if you can't handle the pressure, even it's only a month you are facing lockdown. What about those 3rd world countries! They are in a lockdown more then a month..?

  5. Expecting a wage slave to have enough saving to stop working is kinda unrealistic, and with how weak our social assistant program are. I am amazed that people still believe in trickle down billionaire will save us mentality.

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