



克萊夫·邁里(Clive Myrie)在馬德里的達米安·格拉瑪蒂卡斯(Damian Grammaticas)和社會事務通訊員邁克爾·布坎南(Michael Buchanan)的十篇報道中向英國廣播公司新聞報道。


  1. It's funny hearing these Junkies worried about catching Corona. They've put far worse in their bodies than Corona for years!, They'll survive anything the cockroaches that they are!.

  2. The creator created the world in such a way that for every infection there is an active substance in plant products that suppresses this infection. Also in plant products there is an active substance that cleanses blood vessels. Informational space diagnostics of ICD (diagtor.com.ua) found a mixture of plant-based safe products that suppress any infection within 1-3 days, cleanse blood vessels of toxins and tumors, and the patient is cured of cancer, coronavirus, AIDS, herpes, hepatitis …

    Coronavirus, according to the ICD space information system (diagtor.com.ua), accumulates in the cell up to 225 for 31 days. In this case, the elasticity of capillary lymphatic vessels decreases to 44%, which leads to the destruction of these vessels to 55% and the lymphatic system ceases to fulfill its function. This is a critical condition, and if the coronavirus is in critical places of the nervous system, then on the 31st day the patient dies. ICD found safe plant foods that suppress coronavirus for several hours. Diagnosis is by photo

    Ermakov P, professor

  3. considering that children were the lowest risk group by far, this seems rather concerning. Why in the hell did you lock them up so long? truly draconian

  4. Yes, one has to work the vascular or circulatory system! I do the same every day on lockdown, walk for one hour! The circulatory system has to be in prime shape with Coivd-19! I call my White Blood Cells: Soldiers and the circulatory system the: DC-3 delivery platform! As soon as I had my Covid-19 infection, my DC-3 took my soldiers to the front line and eliminated the enemy! Understanding the human body is essential and it has been life saving! ???

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