如何使用Evasi0n越獄iPad mini / iPad-iPad mini,iPad iOS 6不受限制的越獄

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  1. I don't get it how the hell do you fucking get it so u plug in your charga and you turn on your computer and it will say straight away do you want to jaillbrake someone please tell me

  2. Ok, so let me get this right, click the link, plug in your device, do whatever it tells u to do wait,when finished downloading,click exit if u want,click the jailbreak icon, it will reboot 7 times, wait some more, and I GUESS your done? Reply and tell me what I did wrong, I won't be mad.??

  3. Hi folks, after AT&T had their data base renew, many websites are not able to unlock AT&T anymore, but there's still a site that could do it, your website is attiphoneunlocking, we are surely one of the very most secure unlocking site among all the others.

  4. Guys, the ipad mini is considered illegal to jailbreak due to the fact that tablets were too broad to explain and is not listed in the exceptions for legal jailbreaking, as any tablet was proclaimed illegal to jailbreak………………………………. Hopefully it becomes legal

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