







除非另有說明,否則所有視頻均基於可公開獲得的信息。 。

  1. Whenever I order packaged items from Amazon, and there left on my doorstep I always wear latex gloves to retrieve them, so that this way I'm not touching the package with my bare hands, and immediately desposed of the gift wrappings while I'm outside.

  2. We wash /sanitize everything that comes into our house upon entry including ourselves and clothes! We have set up a cleaning station and have a procedure in place for Amazon, grocery , and restaurant deliveries.

  3. Your guy』s mask has a 1 way valve. The CDC says NOT to use these as they don』t provide any protection for those around you, just yourself

  4. I work with a bozo who doesn't wash hands after Number 1 or even Number 2 and this was before the pandemic. Who knows if this pandemic will change this person's habits.

  5. Gotta love how they're still repeating the "if you're young you'll be ok" propaganda. Especially as the under 21 death toll rises. Statements like this are why we have packed beaches today, April 29th 2020.

    History will show how irresponsible this line of thinking was…

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