
大家好!我設法賺到了足夠的黃金來購買強大的商隊Brutosaur,並想與您分享我的做事方式。這絕不是最快的方法,但是我這樣做很有趣。我希望這可以幫助其他可能願意做我的事情的人。 :D

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凱文·麥克勞德的Derp Nugget

  1. Hi! What can you buy with garrison resources that you can get a bit of money for? 🙂 What is the easiest? 🙂

  2. I'v never subscribed to a wow channel. But you have great content and clearly deserve to have a bigger viewership and followers!

  3. The best way to farm gold is the way you can best tolerate farming gold 🙂 I love doing raw farming on the reg while occasionally posting auctions for excess mats and high priced items. I don't like working the AH or dealing with full mailboxes on the daily. I know it's the better way to get rich, but I've just never gotten a taste for it. This is a great guide and I learned a couple new things. Thanks!

  4. So… 4k gold for 30min of skyreach time. 5mil for the mount = 625 hours of effort. Buying gold right now is what, $20 for 120k gold? So you need 42 tokens, means the mount is worth $840. So in other words… its the equivalent of having a job making $1.34/hr. Or, depending where you are, if your minimum wage is $10/hour you can buy 7-8 long boi's in that time. I just talked myself out of farming.

  5. One WoW Token is worth $25 IRL and I can sell it for 120,000 gold on Illidan, so that's $250 for ~1.2MIL Gold. So if I use all my stimulus check I can buy long boi, ez ragrets

  6. Going by this guide it will take you 625 hours of farming dungeons, or 1 month of no sleep and 24/7 farming dungeons. At this point in time you would need to farm 4 hours of dungeons EVERYDAY till shadowlands, usless. Or you could work 60 hours extra at minimum wage and get it.

  7. Hold on, you say you can do that skyreach on other servers but how that will help me with my gold on the server i wanna buy the longboi?

  8. i thought HFC was better than blackrock at least i know i get about 1000-2000 more gold from there for about the same time roughly and i know heart of fear all mobs before first boss give about 1000 raw gold plus motes of harmony to sale on AH in about 20 minutes for 10 runs not as good but if you can't run WoD raids HoF not bad option

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