星際公民-Esperia Prowler電影預告片

埃斯佩里亞(Esperia)對臭名昭著的特瓦林(Tevarin)飛船的再造歸功於毫無戒心的「詩句」。 Esperia Prowler現在作為Star Citizen的「鎖定和載入」更新的一部分提供。


  1. Must agree with everyone. This is going to be the most expensive 「Duke Nukem Forever」 to date. A game that cost so much money and will be out dated if released.
    I have played more indie games that were developed by one person over 10 yrs. this game will go down in history as the biggest scam ever launched via Kickstarter/ Indiegogo.

  2. The video makes you think you can pull off these things but the game is incredibly buggy and it』s more punishing playing it than is not to considering making money is next to impossible if you don』t buy a large enough ship for cargo or missions crates right off the bat

  3. the ship looks kind of like the ship right in the beginning of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, the one the doctor usese to land back on earth for her search

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