Covid 19病毒影響您精神的10種方式

冠狀病毒或covid 19病毒在全球的傳播及其破壞性影響正在影響我們所有人。無論您身在何處,傳染性呼吸道疾病都會引起人們對健康的擔憂,因為人們努力防止生病並照顧已經患病的人。 CDC將這一切描述為「快速發展的情況」,但這種情況超出了身體健康的範圍。我們開始意識到這種病毒也與我們的心理健康有關。全部連接。因此,在這種大流行期間照顧好您的心理健康至關重要。了解其對您的潛在影響是其中的一部分。



作家:Laura Santospirito
旁白:阿曼達·西爾維拉(Amanda Silvera)
動畫:Nayeli Meneses
YouTube經理:Cindy Cheong

在這一危機時期,在這一流行病前線工作的無私英雄們付出了巨大的犧牲,並做出了巨大的貢獻。現在我們要盡自己的一份力量!前線英雄基金尤里(Yuri)的籌款活動(The Giving Angels)

「日常生活。」美國壓力研究所,2019年12月18日, / daily-life。
麥克勞德,掃羅。 「壓力,疾病和免疫系統。」壓力,疾病和免疫系統《簡單心理學》,1970年1月1日, / stress-immune.html。
「情況摘要」。疾病控制與預防中心,疾病控制與預防中心,2020年3月18日, / coronavirus / 2019-ncov / cases-updates / summary.html。 。

  1. Tbh no issues so far, and i'm doing my best to do workouts for me to not hurt myself again
    .. and really glad that i don't have to socialize.

  2. Tbh no issues so far, and i'm doing my best to do workouts for me to not hurt myself again
    .. and really glad that i don't have to socialize.

  3. Sadly I have come to realise most people don't care, most friends have not got in contact, its me who has, apart from like two people. You realise with this pandemic who your true friends are, and that you don't have many friends, oh well!

  4. In 10, you should add:
    1. Wear a MASK whenever you go out
    2. Do not protest for reopening your countries
    3. Respect every healthcare workers.

  5. To everyone saying "Oh I'm an introvert so quarantine isn't a big deal for me" Okay we get it. We get it. We get that you're an introvert and quarantine doesn't bother you. You do you. You don't need to state it every 5 minutes. Mostly everyone is hating quarantine. Even introverts. Being alone is nice for a while but being forced to be alone with nobody else is unhealthy.

  6. I will say it's taken a toll on my mental health for sure. for the first two-three weeks of this I've pushed my family away. Upset,angry and sad on a constant basis. Now it's become more internal than external. I feel like I've lost any passion for the things I loved to do before. I'm constantly tired and if anything in the verge of breakdown.

  7. When you』re told to socially distance yourself due to COVID-19

    Also you: I』m always socially distant I don』t need to go out.

    Lonely Hearts Club

  8. I'm not certain how bad the virus had gotten by the point the research for this video was done, but I want to say something about the virus in general. Your guy's specialty is dealing with mental health related issues, which is something you do great with, and what I am suggesting that you are doing I don't believe you are doing out of spite for anyone. But just as you advise others to think through their implications when discussing mental health, so should all of you think through your implications now in your videos concerning the virus.

    This might just be hindsight here, but when you said for example that things will not run out, that is blatantly untrue for many products, including toilet paper. You need to keep in mind that the best thing to do in response to financial emergency is not necessarily just to deal with their mental issues or ignoring their problems, which some of your recent videos to me seems to imply unintentionally. The biggest thing is putting food on the table and preventing the situation from bankrupting them and putting them out on the streets. Again, you are not responsible for any of these problems, but you can be honest with people without causing panic right? Is it not what we try to do here when we describe mental health issues? I know I might be wrong but I respect you enough to let you know my thoughts on how this could potentially be problematic instead of just staying silent and moving on. No matter what, know that you overall are still doing amazing work and I support the majority of your work still and will stay subscribed because these issues are important. Just sometimes a bit of self awareness is required so you can keep giving good advice. Take care for now!

  9. My gf recently said about how useless I am for not going out like a lot of couple out there in these hard time. She constantly told me how she want to meet me and went out with a car, just like normal days. Heck, I don't even have a car. I too, constantly told her I can't go out because of my parents tell me not to go out. My parents age is above 50 years old, and I understand their concern about this virus, but my gf don't think that far. This week alone, she want to break up with me due to my uselessness, always busy working, etc. I mean, who wants to work 24/7 in this time? I feel like I'm slowly burning out, because of stressed out from my job and my gf. What can I do? Please I just need a little help, I just don't know anymore..

  10. I'm mostly worried about school and my grades. We don't know if we stay back or move to the next grade if we move to the next grade it will be difficult to work on your new grade and your last grage

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