消滅所有人! -官方發行日期預告片

為防禦做好準備,入侵將於2020年7月28日開始!銷毀所有人類將通過PC,PlayStation 4和Xbox One到達。

在這裡獲取:https://destroyallhumansgame.com/orde …

消滅所有人!已經可以從您的首選零售商處在PC,PlayStation 4和Xbox One上進行預訂,現在也可以在PC和Xbox One上進行數字預訂。只能通過選定的渠道預訂皮膚!

#DestroyAllHumans #GameSpot。

  1. Is it just me or does this look incredibly mediocre? I don't mean to get anyone down who is hyped for it, but this barely looks better than the original other than minor graphical improvements that don't look like this generation of gaming and the skin packs make me think this is a cash grab on people like me who are nostalgic to the original game.

  2. Can someone confirm something for me? Is this ONLY going to be the first game? Or is this going to be like the full collection?
    Destroy all humans.
    Destroy all humans 2.
    Destroy all humans Big willy unleashed.
    Destroy all humans Path of the furon.

  3. 2005 – Buy in stores on release date and play the game straight out the box without a 45 minute installation wait.

    2020 – Pre-order now and get the free skin pack!!

  4. Hopefully the games runs well. And does not have numerous bugs and performance issues…. From this clip the world looks somewhat lifeless…….

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