
下一款名為「 Assassin’s Creed Valhalla」的刺客信條遊戲(2020年)已正式發布,它的第一張壁紙以及該遊戲的首個預告片將於明天早上發布。大家對維京時代發生的這款新遊戲有何看法?我還討論了該項目到目前為止我們所知道的所有細節。


使用的音樂:亞歷山大·納卡拉達(Alexander Nakarada)的旅行者@ SerpentSound Studios


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  1. They will find some way to force feminism on us, trust me. No doubt force homosexuality and whatever other political agenda like they did with Odyssey.

  2. I honestly couldn't care less after the 10th assassin's creed shake up boring and stale doesn't matter where they're from the same game over and over and over

  3. I feel like I ain't gonna like this….the characters are gonna be so buff. Not like any assasins that actually FEEL like assasins. Assasins are suppose to be thin and agile with hoods and hidden blades and everything. Not all this heavy armour and clunky helmets and little to probably no stealth

  4. I think that's a Norman castle which could point to Europe aswell not just England ! As castles were built much after the Viking invasion of the British isles

  5. Whoever came up with this livestream idea should be given a raise. That was a wonderful experience. The hype kept building up, the final 2 hours the chat was going crazy, Ashraf was tweeting like crazy (he was as excited as we were), and finally when the trailer was announced for tomorrow I was smiling from ear to ear.
    P. S this was all happening at 2am for me. I have to wait the whole day today now.

  6. I see a lot of people hating on the RPG elements of the last couple of assassins creed but in all honesty it』s better more of a challenge in the game especially in fights cause you can』t just parry and then kill someone plus it』s even better going to explore if you don』t do that in a game and just do missions are you even a gamer???

  7. Interesting setting and chance for good sandbox game , but why the hell this game is still called Assassin's Creed? It makes absolutely no sense since AC: Origins. With Odyssey and Origins this franchise became entirely different.
    And Vikings have so much common with templars and assassins like Batman with Call of duty games.

  8. Sadly I'm not into assassin's creed anymore ever since they added RPG elements. I wish we could go back to the old days of Assassin's Creed like it used to 🙁

  9. Wont surprise me if they visit Miklagard ,Normandie, Bagdad and Kiev either. And Frøya will be there as one of the Åsgard also.

  10. Assassins Creed Valhalla sounds cool and the setting could render a fun game. But Assassins, who work in the shadows and silence with finesse is the last thing I would associate with the violent, fierce, loud, rough, and savage Vikings.

    A greek mercenary was already pushing it as far as it could go, but I could see a scenario where the mercenary worked in silence behind the enemy lines assassinating under the cover of war.

    In Valhalla, if the playable character is an assassin then he is no Viking. And if he is a true Viking then definitely he is no Assassin.

  11. Everybody wants the game to be everything but no ones talking about how the creator of black flag is going to make this game even the story as well so cmon man why is no one asking for the game to be like black flags

  12. I hope they get rid of that awful RPG element. I think a perfect combat and stealth system would be a hybrid between Black flag and unity

  13. Am I the only one that ABSOLUTELY HATES!!!!! Origins and Odyssey becouse of the new fight mechanics.????? The thing I loved and the only reason I loved all the assassins creeds was the way when you sword fought someone it felt real and you clashed swords and felt very technical now with this lock on bullshit it feels like a computer game I littery bought both thinking assassins is always great and had to return them back didn』t even get thru one mission because I absolutely hate the way combat feels and is set up now. Like when you hit someone with a long sword or anything in the other games (evrything up to syndicate) they would get sliced or fall. In these two new games with the damn Arrow things it litterly just knocks the guy back from that same type of swing. Sooo NOT REALISTIC AT ALLL. if the new Viking one is like that then syndicate is the newest assassins I』ll ever get to play. I hope they bring back the original/old fighting mechanics

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