





  1. The waitress wearing gloves is pointless unless she changes gloves after every customer. All she is doing is cross contaminating from one customer to another wearing the same gloves.

    If customer A is an asymptomatic carrier who has been touching his face, his plate, his card or money to pay, his drink, etc.. those items now have the virus and are contaminated. Now the waitress with her gloves on handles those items, she keeps the same gloves on, now her gloves are contaminated. Now with the same contaminated gloves on, the waitress takes drinks over to customer B who is not sick. His drink/cup is now contaminated, customer B grabs his drink to drink it, now customer B hands are contaminated, Customer B touches his face, eats some fries, now he has it. Customer B leaves meets with friends or family and brings it to them now. Meanwhile the waitress is still using the same contaminated gloves handling customers C, D, E, F food, drinks, credit card etc and so on and now they all too became contaminated.

    my CHINA, my CHINA, my CHINA, my CHINA,my C.C.P. CHINA,my C.C.P. CHINA,my
    C.C.P. CHINA,my C.C.P. CHINA,my C.C.P. CHINA,my C.C.P. CHINA,  will HAUNT you CRAZY Trump till you painfully
    DIEs,,my Chinese communist people wish you a slow death but a very painful
    one…and I WILL always love my CHINA

  3. 1. Do not put vaccinations, vaccines, poisons under any pretext.
    2. Do not agree to any bodily interference in the form of chips, etc. under the pretext of alleged convenience.
    3. Do not put on muzzles, do not mess with laws invented in haste, do not be afraid of anything, as they purposefully intimidate and train us to the new regime.
    4. Do not listen to the constant broadcast of slop FAKE TV.
    5. Develop your conceptual apparatus and thinking in order to see and smell from afar the slag that is poured into your ears.
    6. That there was a clear mind and a healthy body to eat raw fruit vegetables.
    7. Share information with the environment, stick together, defend their freedoms.

  4. Now more then ever we have to stay home and for those the want to get hit the virus go out and wait for death ?. God bless everyone !!

  5. First off…you are doing no real service to America with all your death, disease, dying discussions and dialogue . You fear mongers and vipers seek to destroy ANY hope of recovery as you constantly batter the ones who possess it. Your tactics produce depression and death from isolation and poverty due to lockdowns. People are afraid because you manufacture fear. We function in the midst of various strains of flu without fear…yet you persist with your evil intent to destroy the country in which you live. May you receive ALL that your actions and motives deserve. And I pray God has mercy on your soul.

  6. Georgia ranks 36th in the nation per capita and kemp bragged about that? Does he know how many states there are? Lmao

  7. Good! Our nation's security is not 1st and foremost our nuclear Arsenal or their readiness of our troops, it is a strong national economy. If these governors and the president believes that people with John from engaging in our economy is the best way forward for a secure nation and a foothold in the world and what happens in it, they are wrong. Wrong. They have fallen into a trap set by I will not say

  8. Ban big tech and MSM tyranny – Facebook, CNN, YouTube, Leftist politicians, etc. They all have shown us their true colours. Vote them out of office, stop using their services. Stop letting them control your mind and bodies!

  9. I'll save you a trip to the comment section.

    Half of the comments: like omg, these cases are are fake numbers. There is a source that can't be made that's making trillions of dollars from covid19 deaths. Take back America. Vote for trump, Hillary Clinton created the virus. We need a haircut. It's my first right in the constitution. Demorats are at fault.

    Other half of comments: I'm sending thoughts and prayers to the loved ones lost in this deadly battle.

  10. We all remember how Trump dismissed this virus back in February, along with firing CDC members who would have helped mitigate the spread.

    Now we're here, with states panicking to get people back to work, but at the risk of spreading the virus even more aggressively in the coming months.

    It's at these times when a government – one for the majority of people in this country – would provide real assistance, without all the unnecessary paperwork and delays that only discourage people in need of help.

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