每個人都需要放鬆關於Xbox Series X和PS5規格

隨著Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5規格的發布,讓我們花一秒鐘的時間來了解仍有多少未知的下一代遊戲機。


  1. I want to get the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Google Stadia, a Gaming PC, the next Nintendo Switch or Nintendo new next gaming console and All Of The Above.

  2. Tbh I don』t care about the gaming aspect of it. We all know both systems are stepping it as far as graphics and speed. What I want to know is what I will be able to do with the system that doesn』t involve gaming. The over all OS and what it』s capabilities are.. from the looks of Xbox it looks like it will run like a gaming system and a pc. That』s what people really want to hear about. What kind of apps and other features that the predecessors didn』t have

  3. This whole console war is wether or not i wanna wait a few more seconds for things or see a few more particles than the other…..right…. ill save a hundered bucks for a trade of .258 more seconds of loading time XD

  4. I'm going to laugh if Sony comes out and comes out ahead because they new what to do which I have a feeling they do because of the SSD and IO. That will shut up the internet dummies who think they are engineers and computers scientists who dont even work for companies or even a Dev.

  5. While I do enjoy the occasional fanboy bashing. Its like rooting for the home team. It's really boils down to the eco system. Living check to check I'm going with the system I've already heavily invested in. ?

  6. When people go on and on about specs and tera flops they sound like a bunch geeks, i just hope these systems play media the way the ps3 did it was a perfect player

  7. What's wrong with game b sharing on Xbox. It is also very possible to know which one you want. I want the more powerful console that will run multiplatform games better as well as a robust game subscription and cloud gaming. Easy choice, I'll get a Ps5 3 years or so for the line when they drop a must have.

  8. You need a processor that is capable of processing that SSD data. It will sit in que ready to be by processed by the APU. So your still only as fast as the bus for the RAM and the ability of your processor to render data. The bottle neck will be APU and RAM on PS5 also it only plays MOST of the top 100 PS4 titles. XboxSX plays all current xb1x and backwards compatible titles going back to original Xbox… Kinda a no brainier here.

  9. Xbox plays all the games I currently own. PS5 won't. XboxSX will use my elite 2 controller which I love. And has better specs. Literally 52 CU cores I'm sold on XboxSX. Personally. PS5 has nothing that excited me

  10. I have no desire to get a series x. Why would I switch my entire platform which I』ve been on for the past 7 years and get new games and not be able to play with friends for an extra 1.7 teraflops? The Xbox series x isn』t even a next gen console. It』s pretty much an Xbox one (which is already total garbage) just with updated specs so you can play no exclusive games at 4K 60fps. Sorry Xbots but you』ve already lost this generation. I challenge any of you xfags to give me 5 reasons to buy a series x. Ps5 will have games like Godfall, ghost of Tsushima, last of us part 2 and many more that haven』t even been announced yet. Xbox only has hellblade 2 and halo Infinite. No reason to buy one when any game on Xbox you can get on pc. We』ve already seen how much of a success the ps4 was with over 100 million sales and Xbox getting like 50-60 million sales and honestly I don』t expect a different outcome next generation

  11. Both consoles will be amazing especially with ray tracing. But who are the misinformation developer trolls who started spreading rumors about PS5 being substantially more powerful than the series x??? We now know they were taking about storage speeds lol, definitely not processing power!!!

  12. I』m with ps5 cuz of the echo system.. I』m in too deep.. Xbox catalog isn』t as good.. so I didn』t need specs to make my choice

  13. They can't relax. Many of them don't have lives outside gaming. For them, their favorite console having the best specs is all that matters. It's what happens when your only identity is which companies you fanboy for.

  14. I waited 6 months before updating last gen and missed my ps3. I still do. This gens games really haven』t impressed me enough to consider next gen for at least 2 years after it launches. Blood borne and the Witcher 3 were the only games that made the gen upgrade viable early on. That said until the industry backs off from producing 「new」 god of war games and calling it anything but repeated garbage, and the same CoD just better graphics and more game modes, and not turn every action adventure into an open world fetch quest I』m good. Story lines plots and characters aren』t selling points for any game I』ve played in years.

  15. Whatever ? y』all just trying to damage control things for the ponies ? it』s all good though because real gamers get both but I』m just choosing to roll with series x day one ☝?

  16. You』re thinking is flawed. Fan boys of either system will buy their preferred console regardless of a 15% teraflop difference or an SSD that is twice as fast as another SSD. Console exclusives are going to be a thing of the past as Sony moves its first party titles to PC. Microsoft has already made this decision to have cross platform titles in 2015. And why wouldn』t Sony or Microsoft open up their first party release to the PC space? Market pressure and capitalism drives Sony to have cross PC – PlayStation titles. This change is inevitable. Sure, Sony fan boys will lament the loss of PlayStation exclusives. Change is always difficult to come to terms with, however the loss of PS exclusives will not stop Sony fans from purchasing a PlayStation, just as it hasn』t stopped Xbox fans from buying an Xbox. At the end of the day, there are fans of either system that have already made up their minds about which console they will purchase. Other gamers will make a decision based on whichever system they are currently invested in. Other gamers will just get both systems. Both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X will be a stupendous leap forward over the current gen consoles and I don』t think there will be a marked difference in how games look on either system. In other words, there are some things that the PS5 does better than the Xbox Series X, just as there are some things the XSX does better than the PS5. However, one system is not vastly superior to the other and either system will provide its user with many hours of entertainment. And that』s what gaming is all about – entertainment.

  17. And yes… Playstation already kind of "won"… not because of specs, games or features, but purely because of Pricing and Availability… I use quotations – because its not the kind of win any Real Gamer, would want (I own; NES, SNES, PS1,XBOX, PS2, PS4 and 2 PC's). : /

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