為什麼特朗普對冠狀病毒輕描淡寫警告? |早上喬| MSNBC

當美國情報機構向總統發出有關冠狀病毒以及總統如何處理情報的警告時,新的報告就開始了。 NBC新聞的Carol Lee討論。於04/28/2020播出。

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為什麼特朗普對冠狀病毒輕描淡寫警告? |早上喬| MSNBC。

  1. MSM downplayed it as well See how easily MSM purposely forgets. MSM still can』t admit that China and the W.H.o. miss led the world Told the world the Wuhan virus it never existed Back in January and February. Dr. Fauci has been at the press briefings informing the public every day for the last four monthsYou would know this MSM if you just allow your reporters to report this but this is what happens when you choose not to show the press briefings Remember you don』t want to show them so you can Purposely have the people be misinformed

  2. Check the true reason why the greatest nation on the planet earth responding so slowly for this pandemic.Why you reporting to us this again & again, this is the face value of what it's, not the actual fact . what happened to the old good day's of investigative journalism?

  3. Downplay? You mean like that hag pelosi did in california, telling people to come to China town? Hollywood couldn』t make a movie that matches the stupidity of you left wing morons.

  4. A Trumpees radio station calling Joe Bidden mentally impaired, he can not put two sentences together. This vicious attack will not stop but get worst. Look who's talking, the president as. Far as I know can only utter two words, tremendous, and horrible

  5. Not only did he ignore warnings but he keeps bragging about travel bans that were virtually useless for failure to properly quarantine returning US citizens who arrived from hotspots around the world.

  6. MSNBC needs to do its homework!!!!!
    The great Dr. Fauci was saying in February the coronavirus would not have a big impact the U.S.!!!
    The World Health Organization said this was not transmitted from person to person!!!
    Trump had already closed down air travel to China on Jan. 31st just 10 days after the very first case in this country!!!
    And what did the Democrats do??? They immediately called him a racist!!!
    Nancy Pelosi was encouraging people to go to SF's Chinatown as late as February 24th!!!
    NYC Mayor DeBlasio was also downplaying the virus and
    encouraging people to NYC』s Chinatown!!!
    So who was better prepared???!!!

  7. To answer the headline: For the same reason EVERYBODY downplayed the virus, including the WHO, msnbc, Dr. Fauci, and countless other HYPOCRITES. I still remember you phonies screaming, "Racist / xenophobic" when Trump banned travel from China in January. Just stfu.

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