
刺客信條瓦爾哈拉已經在PC,PS5,Xbox Series X,PS4和Xbox One上亮相。這就是我們所知道的。





  1. Managing, building and flourishing a few important places like villages, towns, ports or castles, what can give us benefits would be great.

  2. Yay for the horde! Lo there do I see my father; Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers; Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

  3. Things it doesn't tell you, it'll be pay 2 win with 50 thousand editions and it'll have 50 thousand timed releases…. with 50 thousand microtransactions.

  4. I've only played ACII. Are they pretty historically accurate? I kinda wanted to play as a historically accurate woman, since they said you can choose both…

    "An elaborate Viking Age grave in Sweden holds the
    remains of a decorated female warrior from the 10th century, providing the
    first archaeological evidence that women held high-status positions in Viking

    The remarkable find was revealed in a study by researchers
    at Stockholm and Uppsala Universities and published in the American Journal of Anthropology. Their DNA analysis of the
    skeleton confirmed that the individual was a woman older than 30 years old, who
    stood somewhere around 5 feet 6 inches tall.

    Several weapons were buried alongside the body, including a
    sword, armor-piercing arrows, a battle knife, an axe, a spear and two shields,
    indicating that the skeleton was likely that of a warrior.
    Accompanying the wide array of weapons were two horses and a full set of game
    pieces and a gaming board. The gaming pieces suggest that the person
    buried was a high-ranking combatant who was knowledgeable of strategies and
    tactics." Would be cool if they found out how to replicate this.

  5. Origins was really good but i never got into Odyssey, and seeing this one is made but the Origins team i have high hopes.
    Also i'm one of the Viking norse stuff nerds so i'm excited.
    Valhalla special edition PS5 would be amazing.

  6. It was actually confirmed in Origins and Odyssey that the way the Viking protagonist wields the hidden blade was the original and proper way to use the weapon, but the way the blades are commonly used was popularized after Origins

  7. I watched a trailer rundown with the developers the main character isn't a assassin but he does meet them and gets his hidden blade from them and you can dual wield any weapon even 2 shields you can also raid or join large battles honestly I think this game will be a hybrid between old ac games like ac1 unity etc and the likes of odyssey/origins cant wait for it to be released and cant wait for a actual gameplay trailer

  8. Does anyone know if Ubi really is giving up making AC games that are not like the Origins and the Odyssey? I loved the new parkour movements that they made for Unity. They were so smooth. Too sad they just gave up on those movements.

  9. What do you think about AC in baghdad in the abbasid caliphate, after all it is the natural setting of the order of the assassins, and that city whas the biggest city in the world at that period, i think it would look great.

  10. What do you guys think about a WW1 assassins creed and like a great leader of one of the axis powers is trying to get the artifacts to win the Great War

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