
Asmongold對Ubisofts新遊戲的全新預告片的反應:刺客信條Valhalla,這是一個新的刺客信條,它將以維京人為特色:「在AC中:瓦爾哈拉,您是Eivor,在戰鬥和榮耀故事中成長的強大維京戰士」 … 。

原始影片: = L0Fr3cS3MtY


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  1. 2:55 to mcu zoomers.
    odin in many norse mythology to mortals was viewed as an haggard old man in a cloak, usually have a cane or staff with his crows huginn and muninn with him. he appears during great battles to witness the outcome or appears to someone worthy and give them wisdom or a message.
    some side myths. when an earthquake happens it is believed loki when he is chained up in his cavern prison he is pulling at the chains of the wall thus shaking it and causing the land to tremble. on reason for loki imprisonment look that up. storms at sea it is believed thor is out there challenging the world serpent jormungandr.

  2. Dude need to watch Vikings on the History Channel. Because this game copied a lot from it. I see a Ragnar Lothbrok and a Floki look a like.

  3. Odin was also portrayed as a Raven in Norse mythology, if ever a raven flew over the battlefield they saw it as a good omen and that victory was assured by the gods.

  4. You call them Pagans, you claim that they need Jesus, you thought Odin was medivh, and you look like AEthelfred (King Alfred). You are a pure Saxon in the heart, you shall never see the gates of Valhalla.

  5. Man this is so Awesome i have to buy this i love Assassins Creed franchise played it for a long time and aswel long awaited Viking game.

  6. I'm a die-hard fan of all things Vikings. The Viking Age is one of my favorite historical periods next to the Golden Age of Piracy. I have fantasized and wept imagining a Vikings AC being released in my lifetime. You are lying about your dream, but I have lived every day wishing for this to be a reality. THIS MIGHT TOP BLACK FLAG FOR ME. Black Flag is my all time unbeaten setting for a game. Vikings and The Last Kingdom are two of my top shows, both set during this age. I can't believe it. My wildest dream has come true at long last. ??

  7. I hope we get cameo from myself or something ( I know this game takes place after my death) but I would love something like: " You have become as great as Ragnar Lothbrok!"

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