
由於許多州因冠狀病毒的爆發而尋求聯邦援助,因此參議員克里斯·范·霍倫(Chris Van Hollen)(D-MD)拒絕了參議院多數黨領袖米奇·麥康奈爾(R-KY)的建議,即各州應宣布破產,特別是那些宣布「破產的引擎」。聯邦收入。」於4/27/2020播出。

MSNBC提供重大新聞,對政治頭條的深入分析以及評論和見多識廣的觀點。在Rachel Maddow Show,Joe Morning,每日見面會,Ari Melber的節拍,Deadline:Nichole Wallace的白宮,硬式棒球,All In,Last Word,11th Hour等內容中查找視頻片段和片段。



  1. You can bet Mitch and the GOP will want it to be nothing but a giant corporate welfare give away and then add it to the debt they』ve padded up since Reagan, the deficit is the working Americans debt for money that the 1% stole

  2. What's sad, very sad is that the red states don't mind their constituents going "without " ( rhough not all exclusively, red). I could be wrong, but, I do believe that there's white oppression. It's just not like the full weight placed on minorities. When it comes to wealth in the South, it was always in the hands of a few, the wealthiest. That's how it works, right. They could readily buy slaves to build America, there was the land, big mansions and living the extravagant lifestyles. The south was running a large portion of the American economy! The poor whites were fed the " superiority " mentality over blacks and given unfulfilled promises . Their bitterness and hatred has continued to grow stronger, with a resentment toward black and brown-the cause of whatever problems they're experiencing. There has Always been in existence, the absolute refusal to admit wrongness unfairly placed. Mitch and so many of the Republicans, especially in Southern states, continually hold to the status of pre " civil war" practices, capitalizing on their " rising" once again power. In truth, they. care. Only about themselves. Their concerns has very little to do with the people. It is about power realized by maintaining a iron hold on all decision making- who gets what and how much…and they're not much on sharing! Other than their major southern cities, there appears to be a lot " missing," in jobs, manufacturing, good wages, etc., for their own population and they're really okay with that! The southern life , truly reflects a different " world", apart from the rest of the country. So, it is not a surprise that many Americans, have experienced generations of struggle… living without. They have grown increasingly bitter, resentful and more openly and willing to lash out toward others- but Never "their beloved. leaders." So these politicians, with continued propaganda, generate confusion. And they're doing a excellent job, in misleading a frustrated America in a downward path. We must not forget media , financed by special interest helping their ' cause." Money, above all things, IS the American way! It is the only thing which count with the powers that be. It is the making of ALL decisions- how much money they will spend, deciding what people need to get by on, when and where it will be" given." What's new? By now it should be crystal clear, that the governing is Not into creating excellent healthcare, affordable medicine, wiping out hunger, providing quality water and sanitation, and decent wage– all with the Taxpayer's money. The kicker is, that All these provision Can do IF they wanted too. The United States is rich, they just don't believe in spending on these things, it's not beneficial. And We have been convinced that they shouldn'…. it will cost us, more of our money. It would not be well spent! They believe in collecting and doing "other" things with it, not in the making of a better America , a more ' humane" people. So It is simply not in their plan. It wasn't before and it's not much now. We will just have to see how well we survive sickness, ignorance, and hatred among ourselvess.

  3. Total bs, he is talking about state pensions and liable law suits for small businesses. Liberal media misguiding you again. Corona money should not be used for state retired employees pensions. State or Federal employees should have a 401k like every other working class citizen.

  4. I don't understand the people who blame President Trump for acting too late. Well, when he did act, the media blamed him for doing too much and called him racist. Now, we are saying he acted too slow? I just don't get it. Yeah, President Trump praised WHO and Chinese Government at first. When he found out the truth, he was quick to act and got blamed for being a racist.

    China wants us to diverge the real blame to US. Don't get fooled by CNN, Chinese News Network and WHO.

  5. I wonder what is the real reason why he doesn』t want to help the states, is it because federal money might be use for other projects like the wall…?

  6. Mitch McConnel is simply a criminal who got elected to the Senate. There are few laws Moscow Mitch has not broken. He has helped destroy the USA and he should be in jail for the rest of his life.

  7. Moscow Mitch wants us to have to burrow money from Russia so they have a say in what happens in the US. They already decided our election, which Moscow Mitch covered up.

  8. Bailing out Wall Street really means (because no oversight) Trump Administration pays for Wall-Street bonuses while the Middle-Class suffers.

  9. It is a well known Right-Wing strategy that if the federal government and states are bankrupt States stop paying well-fare/social services. It is super idiotic and seriously unAmerican.

  10. You Governors/Mayors need to get off you tails and run your states/county right. Where is ALL the taxpayers money? Padding the pockets of YOUR Elite. That is evident..look at our roads. We are taxed for everything. It is not right for the taxpayers to bail out your pre covoid disasters because you don't know how to run your states. You are not concerned about "the people" just money for you and yours alike. Step back from this bill and let them help the people who vote you all in. Always got you hands out first. Maybe bankruptcy for some states will teach you a lesson and bring you down to the level we all have to live on. So sick of this garbage..

  11. its crazy to see how small of a virus can cripple the US.. Wait tillwhen a virus comes that kills millions cause its only time before it happens

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