如何在iOS / Android上下載Rainbow Six Siege! (R6攻城行動教學)

「如何下載彩虹六號圍攻行動-如何在Android上下載彩虹六號圍攻行動-如何在iOS上下載彩虹六號圍攻行動-彩虹六號圍攻行動下載教程(F2 iOS下載區)Android F2區域下載APK教程2020(英語)R6攻城行動發布日期2020「

★和朋友一起分享贊! ★

Red Magic 5G手機評論! →https://youtu.be/FxNEXYexO5A

嘿大家! ExxotikGaming在這裡帶回另一個超級刺激的全新視頻!今天,我很高興在我的YouTube頻道上宣布(可能)彩虹六號圍攻行動的開始!該視頻是一個非常簡單的簡單教程,解釋了如何在iOS / Android 2020上下載Rainbow 6 Siege Mobile(克隆遊戲,稱為Area F2)。您需要下載Area F2 Mobile APK,並更改iOS App Store的位置,但是從那裡,你很好!

希望你們喜歡!喜歡,收藏和訂閱可以幫助很多! :D

欣賞視頻?確保粉碎「點贊」按鈕,評論,收藏,並訂閱更多F2區/彩虹六號圍攻行動視頻!哎呀,如果您願意,甚至可以將此視頻放到播放列表中!下一個視頻,無論是提示視頻,有趣的評論,還是只是隨機的Area F2遊戲,通常會在上一個視頻之後幾天出現!

如何記錄您的iOS屏幕! (新2020年)



  1. Hey guys, you can also do the iOS part by changing your iOS region to Brazil on an account you already own. However, it will delete all subscriptions you currently own. So, for the purposes of this video, I recommended creating a new Apple ID so you didn』t risk losing anything! You can always change back to your original Apple ID after you download! ?

    Also dear God I can』t believe I have to say this lol, I accidentally said Call of Duty 「Mobile」 came to PC first, when I meant to just say 「Call of Duty first released on PC, then came to mobile」. I』m not that stupid to think COD Mobile first came out on PC, come on now guys.

  2. This game is out now for global, idk about play store but u can get it on iOS now without changing the country of ur Apple ID:)

  3. I hope they prepared for the cheaters and hopefully they made a different server for the chinese to lessen the stress on the servers. Since they are the largest community of cheaters.

  4. !ATTENTION! For IOS users, the game is already out on the App Store. You DONT have to fiddle with your Apple ID in any way.
    Edit: I don』t know if it』s out on the google play store for android users.

  5. Hey i have a problem installing cod mobile recently, could anyone help me out, i tried clearing the cache and data on the google play store, restarted my phone, but it doesn't change anything, and my download keeps crashing on 20%,50%, and 90% occasionally…any tips would be very helpful, thank you

  6. Free Item:
    There is absolutely no strings attached. All you gotta do is go to "Events" -> "Recruitment" -> "Bind" and write down the code "HVEDS05J4S"

    *You must do this before reaching lvl. 5 or else it won't work*

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