
刺客信條瓦爾哈拉的第一部預告片在這裡。查看我們長期經營的專營店中的《維京人》。 。

  1. 0:37 whaaaat? vikings with MORALS? And sparing the lives of women and children, instead every single on of them just being heartless barbarian heretics and not people? what is this, accurate?

  2. I..I don』t understand. A feudal era japan with ninjas is such an obvious choice at this point and the fact that it hasn』t even been talked about yet baffles me.

    Assassins Creed is just a title at this point, but this looks cool. Just isn』t reminiscent of AC. I wouldn』t have even known this was a trailer for AC without the hidden blade.

  3. Damn why so much hate this game is probably gonna be clean af just because of the setting and I see so many people complaining about the stealth but let』s be honest who ever did anything stealth like to begin with?

  4. Everyone』s complaining about Vikings not being stealthy, but as long as they keep making some high quality video games, who cares? Let』s at least see the product before we complain about it.

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