憤怒的街道4 | Nintendo Switch遊戲和幀速率

《憤怒的街道4》重新奪回了標誌性人物:阿克塞爾(Axel),烈焰(Blaze)和亞當(Adam)與新兄弟姐妹弗洛伊德·伊拉亞(Floyd Iraia)和櫻桃獵人(Cherry Hunter)攜手合作。藉助一些嶄新的舉動和好聽的腳步聲,我們的英雄們隨時準備向剛起步的一群不明智的罪犯提供打擊。

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#NintendoSwitch#StreetsofRage4 #ContraNetwork

。:: 由…贊助 ::。

明基EW3270U | http://bit.ly/2YMhkvE
GC553 Live Gamer ULTRA https://amzn.to/2TyaEhn

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  1. I'm definitely gonna buy it, but not on Switch. If it was released physical in a retail and not through limited run i've gotten it on Switch, but it didn't. I'm gonna get it on PC, thanks for the video, though

  2. Trials of mana, samuri jack, streets of rage 4, mario 3d bundle remastered, bravely default 2, no more heroes 3, isle of man 2, minecraft dungeons, naruto 4, doom eternal, the outer worlds. Plus borderlands and bioshock collections all 2020 releases. Switch is on fire. I have 50 games in backlog I have yet to play before any of the games I just mentioned get released. Who needs a direct. Just keep bringing it nintendo.

  3. great game! can you do a side by side comparison with the other versions please? i think the switch version looked a little different.

  4. Great video!
    The game looks great! I used to play so much these brawler games when I was a kid. I remember Renegade on ZX Spectrum!
    The game looks wonderful and it runs great! Thanks for the video, Contra!

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