
在本視頻中,我們介紹了如何使用WebSockets,Java和Spring Boot創建簡單的聊天應用程序。該應用程序的前端是使用SockJS和Stomp的香草javascript創建的,可以在下面下載。


這是創建您的Spring Boot模板應用程序的網站:https://start.spring.io



  1. Hi Shane!

    i got the same problem that when I start my application it doesnt open up the HTML page in my browser. I get a whitelabel error when i type it in manually, cause there is no mapping for localhost:8090, i didnt missed the part where you set the port on 8090 so that is not the problem.

    Thx in advance

  2. Hi I think something is missing in the tutorial, When you typed localhost:8090 you get your webpage directly, but it is not working for me. I have the html css js files but I think I need to put them somewhere? This is part is not explained, thanks

  3. Asked for static resources – nothing. Asked a question – no response. Man, why do you do "fill form and I will send you download link", when you don't send anything?

  4. Hi Shane nice tutorail.
    But I have the following problem:
    If I type in the username I get to the Chat-window but i get this error too:

    Could not find the connection you were looking for. Move along. Or, Refresh the page!
    Do have an idea how to fix this because I found the error-message in the js-file but I still dont know how to create the necessary Connection.

  5. Great tutorial! I'm pretty new to Java, SpringBoot and coding in general. So I really appreciate you breaking things down and explaining what the different parts of code does.

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