

讓Google Forms為您評分:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKIU5zcwS4A
了解如何共享表單並將表單添加到Google課堂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = VCOnGcllgis

查看有關如何使用預填充鏈接和編輯響應的內容:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 2dUQpW7_G9U。

  1. Jamie, I want to assign 50 fill-in questions to a 25-member classroom? Can the Google Forms do that? I thought I just pull in my word document and drop doc on the Forms. To make the scenario even more scenic, what if I have ten classes and every week I have to assign a barrage of questions. How would that be possible with forms? The COVID-19 plague has grounded many of us. Would Forms come to rescuer or I should take the easy path of emailing students bracing for all the mess inherent in the old fashion?

  2. Hi, Thank you very much for your video. Can questions be set so that students can't go back once the question has been answered? Like in a one by one basis. Thank you

  3. where can I find the setups in google forms for grading portions? setting up points per question… teacher preview after submitting of answers from students

  4. Thank you for sharing,,,
    Is there a way to implement an answer range into Google Forms? For example, if the answer is 15.5, I want to accept answers between 15.2 – 15.7. Thanks a lot.

  5. Thanks a lot. I have a question. I will make a questionnaire on a laptop using the Multiple Choice Grid format. If participants then use their smart phones to open and complete the questionnaire, is it automatically formatted for a smart phone screen? How can I be sure that essential information / grids will not be lost?

  6. Very helpful! In the current age of corona virus, teachers like me are scrambling to update the relevant skills in delivering online classes, you sir are a godsend. I've sent your link to all the teachers in my department! Needless to say, I have subscribed as well…

  7. Thank you, this is a great tutorial. I wish you talked about how you share the form, how much restrictions you can put on it and how you can protect the spreadsheet etc..

  8. So neat that you're using a green screen. Does your free guide show how to make videos like yours with the photo and subscribe button and screenshot combo you're using?

  9. I want to send a registration form for an upcoming conference. Do individuals that I invite have to have a google account in order to complete form?

  10. I had send this form to one of my friends to fill in details…How do i ensure that after he opens the form he could as well see how may people have responded just like i did…My question is whoever is filling the form should be able to see how may people have responded with details….Is that possible?

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