
免費下載Peak Prosperity的書Prosper !,該書為當今的健康和經濟危機預先準備了數千本書:https://www.peakprosperity.com/freebook



耶魯大學的心臟病學家Harlan Krumholz說,「它幾乎可以攻擊人體中的任何東西,並具有毀滅性的後果。它的兇猛令人震驚,令人沮喪」。



不要忘了免費下載Peak Prosperity的書Prosper!。鑒於與應對任何形式的危機,大流行或其他形式的危機有關,克里斯和亞當現在免費向全世界提供它:







https://nypost.com/2020/04/27/coronavirus-related-炎症-syndrome-emerges-among-uk-children-report /


在巨噬細胞上https://time.com/5827912/coronavirus-skin-rashes/Cd 147https://arthritis-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/ar1778



  1. I'm finding it hard not to be terrified. My husband and I had what we believe was covid-19 throughout the end of March. We thought we were recovered by the beginning of April; but we are not recovered. Both of us keep experiencing returning waves of symptoms: achiness and fatigue, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and chest pain. Perhaps even more concerning, I find that as time goes on my lungs seem to feel more stiff and numb. I can breathe, but something isn't right. I keep trying to remain positive and calm, but then I see a video like this, and I begin to be truly afraid that I'm going to keep getting worse, and not better. I am only 41 years old and still had plenty of plans for my life…

  2. You quote Xi is low rent, not Harvard Ed. I worked with a lot of Stanford doctors. Trust me plenty of idiots and patsies in and from our Ivy leagues. in cahoots with Big Pharma. Xi has surrounded himself with ADVISORS western Edicated London and top 20 USA universities. We are at 1941 and president could only talk about Me Too issues on Bongoni. Podcast yesterday and shot head mainstream media – they are . God help us

  3. For Shits and Giggles enjoy this old footage of Biden with Dan Rather CBS busting him and many more forcing him to resign 1988 presidential race. LMFAO. Don』t need his college transcripts: they have it here. Thank you Jimmy Dore

  4. Raheem, sharp as always as well Maxey Miller. Miss that southern accented Bannon as we all do. Think I』ll take a trip to southern relatives to hear more- accent not out here in California Nevada

  5. Big talk about vaccine .this novel Corona virus manmade manufactured has been spliced with several viruses including HIV. Question: will a vaccine as same for flu Corona virus prove impossible due to fast mutation where one cancer 3 times in a season or like measles vaccine example- almost permanent immunity https://youtu.be/OJVXwzF93Qc

  6. @32:10 I hate to be the party pooper, and I don』t work in the financial industry, but banks need the money so they continue to supply loans. Credit constriction was one of the primary causes of the recession in 2008 as well as during the Great Depression, and the vast majority of farms (and most businesses in general) rely on loans to function.

  7. Chris, really?

    Deaths from pneumonia have disappeared since covid showed up.

    You really trust the numbers we are being told?

    China lying down. We are lying up.

    39k per case. Money is the root…

  8. China has been lying about almost every thing for the last 70 years. Habitual liars has lying genes in the CCP 's blood. " Oh we are not building manmade islands in S China Sea " and Now they have set up military bases and started naming these islands. Bandits !

  9. Check out Ruth Stout food garden method- drought and flood resilient. She was still out there gardening in her 80s and 90s because her way is so simple. Lay down hay- year after year to feed the soil. Keep the ground covered, keep the moisture content. Good luck with your garden Chris! I』m loving mine.

  10. Man made or mother earth made? Earth is an alive organism several times smarter than you. Earth might be getting sick of humans.

  11. We don't know …
    We don't know …
    We don't know …
    We don't know …
    We don't know …
    Sounds like the perfect bioterror weapon to me.
    They can claim it's an "Act of God" and use it to take down the USA and any other nation they want.

  12. I just want to remind everyone that every single one of these "deaths" statistics is a person, a mother, a father, a friend, a sister, a brother, a life… I know looking out of your windows it may seem as if all is well, as if all of these safety precautions are a grave exaggeration. But I am sure those who have died, and the people who are suffering right now because they have lost their loved one, would disagree with that notion. Their reality of this pandemic is much different, as this has left a hole in their life impossible to refill/replace. Please have patience and stay home, we owe it to our brothers and sisters who were unfairly stripped of their lives..

  13. You're seeing strange things because its radiation poisoning you clueless hackfraud! These cell phone towers are operating way over their limits, 300x to 10,000x over safe biological limitations.

  14. YES this virus is great thing it kills humans and doctors can do nothinh hahahahaaa yes yes yes coronacirus we love your work keep it up but can you go faster its better before there is a vaccine.. Or beter yet mutate in to something greater and more deathly we thnx u

  15. Were those kids living in a high G-5 energy area? Folks have been trying to warn that EMF's are making them sick and the problem seems to be getting worse as cell phone towers are being put up while people are forced behind closed doors. Sadly no politicians are listening. No one wants to acknowledge the possibility of any 'biological war' under way.

  16. This is a severe influenza.. Your credibility is ZERO!! You act as though this is comparable to Ebola!! Have you been bought off or were you always a larp. ??

  17. Doctors stunned? Really? Why are the deaths so high in the US? All deaths are classified as Coronavirus ( COVID-19) by order
    of the Center of Disease Control….dot gov! See: Apr 21, 2020:Minnesota physician Senator Dr. Scott Jensen receives 7 pages of instructions from the Department of Health / Vital Statistics Agency on how to fake death certificates to CV19.

    Center for Disease Control; Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance: Guidance for Certifying Death Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19);
    Report No. 3, April 2020. 1/7


    to verify this

    Apr 21, 2020:Minnesota physician Senator Dr. Scott Jensen receives 7 pages of instructions from the Department of Health / Vital Statistics Agency on how to fake death certificates to CV19.


  18. So Chris do you have any connections at YOUTUBE ? The 2 physicians have been removed ? until I hear from you on this issue you are banned.

  19. You are full of crap. I』m sorry but you keep on worrying people for no reason and I』m guessing you are a Democrat.

  20. I』m in NYC. All I know is there were non stop sirens all day and night from 3/18/20 through Easter weekend.
    Then it got more quiet. Now it』s at a more 「regular」 rate. I would never call 911 even if dying. So yes am sure a
    lot of people died at home because nobody would want to go to the hospital at all costs. Stay safe ppl.

  21. Dr Chris, could you tell us again what you take to support your immune system & why? I can't seem to find that part of the video. Thanks.

  22. You are just blatantly picking small parts of articles to make things look worse than they are. The article of the kids for example is from Kawasaki that's possibly combined with covid 19, so that's an extremely rare situation IF it would be related to covid at all.

  23. This fvcker has a fear p0rn channel
    It may or it may not be true but here where I live everything he's talking about is not happening.
    Maybe he's targeting the fearful. People are going out in mass, hardcore traffic here , shops are opening up, what lockdown? ?

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