

HBO的新戲劇劇集根據同名馬特·拉夫(Matt Ruff)2016年的小說改編,於今年八月首播。該系列電影跟隨Atticus Freeman(Jonathan Majors)和他的朋友Letitia(Jurnee Smollett-Bell)和他的George叔叔(Courtney B. Vance)一起進行1950年代Jim Crow America的公路旅行,以尋找他失蹤的父親(邁克爾·肯尼思·威廉姆斯)。這開始了一場生存的鬥爭,並克服了白人美國的種族主義恐怖和可以從洛夫克拉夫特平裝書上撕掉的可怕怪物。

Lovecraft Country由米莎·格林(Misha Green)出品,米莎·格林(Misha Green)擔任表演主持人,喬納·艾布拉姆斯(JJ Abrams),喬丹·皮勒(Jordan Peele),比爾·卡拉羅(Bill Carraro),亞恩·德曼格(Yann Demange)(其還導演過第一集),丹尼爾·薩克海姆(Daniel Sackheim)(其還導演過第二集和第三集)和戴維·克諾勒(David Knoller)(執行第1集的製片人);根據馬特·拉夫(Matt Ruff)的小說改編。

由afemme,Inc.,Bad Robot Productions和Monkeypaw Productions以及Warner Bros. Television聯合製作。 #HBO





Lovecraft國家/地區:官方預告片| HBO。

  1. Boy I can't wait for hamfisted racism allegories, over the top completely out of place action sequences and a long diatribe about how not liking this makes you even more racist.

  2. You slap lovecraft in the title I』ll watch it, you slap peele in the credits then I』ll still watch it just more intensely

  3. Let』s look at GREEN & ABRAMS background, they』re undoubtedly from the same tribe that will use black entertainers to spread their anti-white narrative. Smollets sister is in this, she』s also Ashkenazi. Just do a little research folks

  4. There has been no respect for the work of H. P. Lovecraft. Jar Jar Abrams you are the worst thing that has happened to a fan of SW and Lovecraft !!

  5. When i first read H.P Lovecraft books, stories.. cant believe my eyes.. that man live and write this books 1920's 30's. it's extraordinary,.. H.P LOVECRAFT = Good stuff. pure quality..

  6. Will this series answer the question? Why so many black males run away from fatherhood? Is it because black wahmen are insufferable to live with? The real cosmic mystery.

  7. So will it actually explore the cerebral and psychological horror of Lovecraft』s stories and monsters whilst being set in this period piece, or is the title clickbait for a cheesy monster show with some political agenda sprinkled in?

  8. Jordan Peele
    J. J. Abrams

    Bus segregation and an old white cop throwing down black people

    Oh boy, "racism is the real monster," right guys? I'm sure this will definitely focus on the horror element without devolving into race-baiting BS and unnecessarily shoehorning in muh societal commentary.

  9. At first I thought it was going to be a country where all the character and stories from HP Lovecraft novels coexist with each other, like Castle Rock or something.

  10. I'm a 70s baby and the entire vibe of the so-called "civil rights" error, in music and history books has always made me cringe. I usually tune it out as a chapter of history that never actually happened. Maybe this series is what I need to justify my hatred for all events 1950-1969. ?

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