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臉書/ ellebangs
在Instagram @adamoe上關注Adam。

  1. Ok so you are not really coloring live and showing us the results… as clearly you are wearing different clothes… anyway, could you explain more how and where to order the box kit please. I watched the video a few times and can't see the box name or any info… as I am new to your videos surely obvious to most but not for new comers. Also do you ship to the UK? many thanks, C.

  2. Awesome. I live on the central coast. I enjoy your channel. But unfortunately I do not live close by. My daughter is 6 months pregnant and she is on social restrictions due to her being at higher risk. I tried to highlight her hair, she had not had it done in 6 months and she normally has it done. She purchased a box color what a mistake it』s orange and brassy. We will text you for a consultation. So we can get this fixed. I hope we can we need your help. Thank you ?.

  3. Elle, I used a L'Oreal root retouched colour on my roots recently, thankfully I only did a few sections at the front, cos it caused breakage ? Do you think ESalon would be a kinder colour process. The experience has scared me away from doing my own hair, which I used to do before going to a salon. My hair has been highlighted at a salon for two years. I think they use Wella. How could I use ESalon and avoid breakage? Have you any videos on how to stop breakage? Kind regards from UK. Btw, your hair looks always looks lovely

  4. I just got my esalon today going to try it tonight hope it turns out 🙂 I only bought it because I need my hair done and you recommend it so I got my fingers crossed ?

  5. @ellebangs I just had a quick question, first ur amazing at explaining things and it makes it so easy to understand how to do things. I messaged u a month ago buy never heard back. ?
    BUT I need help lol .. I have medium brown hair and I usually do blonde highlights around this time of year. Sometimes little parts of it come out a little orange, when I use the toner do i just put that in all of my hair, like roots etc? Cuz I bought wella 20 developer and wella t18 toner. I need help lol. Me and my hubby just got over being sick for 3wks and now that I'm feeling better I need some normalcy but was stuck on the whole toner thing.

  6. Hi Elle! I am seeking your advice. So I tried to mix equal parts permanent dye in shade 8N with 10 volume (tried to make it 1.5 to 1.5 ounces) and applied it to my roots for a root tap. Anyway, this colour did not lift/lighten the colour of my dark roots (but did cover some of my greys coming in at least), so i am thinking in 4 weeks I will try a lighter shade – 9N for the root tap and/or try putting in some babylights, particularly around the front of my face to lighten things up.

    Anyway, my question for you is that when I did the root tape with 8N perm dye I got some it unfortunately on a couple small strands the none-root part (so the blonde stuff) and it turned it a bit purple. This happened on a small amount of strands near the front of my face. I am wondering what you would recommend to correct this issue. Should I just try highlighting those strands with bleach mixed with 20 developer? Please advise. Thank you!
    Loved your video on how to cut your own hair and also the video on how to cut your man's hair. I followed along to both of those and the end products were a success!! 🙂

  7. you give great advice. I have medium brown hair with reddish undertones I don't like and some grey hairs. you told us to use a med ash blonde to tone down redness which it does for me (I chose wella demi) and it also turnes my greys into pretty highlights lol. so it's a win-win ? thank you x

  8. Love your videos Could you tell me why when i put a level 7 or 8 ash to cover too yellow highlights it wont cover just looks gold … so frustrated I am a level 7ish medium ash blonde natural with too thick yellow highlights and trying to cover some up Any help would be much appreciated I have a cupboard of products and no results

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