5G技術的弊端-David Icke |倫敦雷亞爾

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戴維·伊克(David Icke)是一位英語作家,也是一位公開演講者,自1990年代以來就以專業的陰謀理論家而著稱,自稱為「世衛組織的專職調查員,真正控制世界的事物」。

作為前足球運動員,英國廣播公司(BBC)體育電視節目主持人,綠黨發言人,他在1991年對特里·沃根(Terry Wogan)的表演進行採訪時,把他從一個受人尊敬的家喻戶曉的名字變成了全國的笑柄。








由Brian Brian於2011年創立。LondonReal是值得一看的人們的策展人。我們的使命是通過啟發,自我發現和授權來促進個人變革。






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  1. There is a YouTube vid from year ago … About the top 75 scientists and proffesors from around the world meeting in Canada discussing 5G and it's dangers….all backed up with scientific research ….the last speaker in the vid is a British scientist who ironically is a top advisor too the world health organisation…the YouTube vid is called the dangers of 5G….check it out..

  2. Every thing they are saying about 5G are spot on , David Icke is brilliant we should listen to him the only reason they have banned him from most media platforms is they are scared of him and the truth hurts . But by doing that , they have given him more credit than if they had left it on . The BBC , Bill gates , Illuminate , and the Rothschild,s all who want to enslave us into the new world order hate what he stands for they will stop at nothing to silence him. !! We the people should not be like sheep following in line , but use our intelligence to see where we are been led and to question it . 5G is a KILLER !! it has been proven time and time again and if we let them get away with it then the depopulation of the planet will continue . Everybody should say NO to 5G and instead of following we should defend our freedom that our forebears have fought so hard to get .

  3. I don't agree when I hear people say, quoting the bible, that this will come to pass. It must NOT come to pass! NOW is the time to STOP it. Afterwards will be too late.

  4. "a guy decades ago" Nice one David. Not vague at all.
    No evidence for any of your claims, yet thousands of loons believing you. Your doing a terrible disservice to humanity.

  5. There is a lot of realistic info mentioned, serious food-for-thought. We need to stop judging the messenger/personality, and "listen" to, then decide, the message/info being presented/given. I』ve been listening for the "gems" amongst the many words/books of David Icke for years, and not to his emotionalism and "altered states" phases from his earlier extraordinary experiences when he went through his "re-awakening" changes. Thanks for the courage of such few folk as Icke scattered around the world for their willingness to speak/share the messages and challenge the "system"-mainstream cultural norms. ????✊?✊?

  6. So that's why you have the same violence in low income neighborhoods because of frequencies??? WoW ?So when those people go and shoot up schools & robbing people and so on… Friggin frequencies???

  7. It may be inside your home already. Take a look at your wifi routers specifications. How many antennas does it have? It only needs one. Unless it's a 5 GHz router. Just saying

  8. Like creationists Icke will never learn about a topic. He is too arrogant that he can just pull nonsense out of his ass and the rubes will swallow it.

  9. Initial argument of 5G is being used in the military is super valid. I mean so is water when it comes to dispersing crowds, guess we need to check our internal antennas and stop drinking water now.

  10. Gates & Soros are the scum of human society Soon they will see the world in stripes That's how it looks behind bars!
    Only the knowledge of the truth can unite people forever.

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