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00:47-PS5 OS專利



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Kevin MacLeod撰寫的Deep Haze已獲得知識共享署名許可( / …)
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#ps5#ps5games #newgames。

  1. I'm gonna buy this system… Just not first…the other system will b my main one… I'll just have this one for it's 1st party games… It's the only real advantage it has next Gen

  2. Yep PS5 for me too though I am more on PC I still like PS for the exclusives and not having to wait for a port that may or may not be good anyways PS games just give it to much of an edge over X-box. Come on X-box make games pokes with stick. GoW was so good cant wait for the next one we got Last of us 2 coming and we got FF7RE so many titles already to be hyped for.

  3. I'm switching to ps5 when it dropps cuz my current console (Xbox) is very disappointing not in terms of specs but the fact that most of the games I've wanted to play were PS4 exclusives. Also one of the reasons I'm switching is for those dynamic themes and how good they look especially the persona 5 ones. Hopefully the new ps5 os doesn't look bad and is compatible with old dynamic themes.

  4. Honestly, this is so crucial for the PS5 OS. When having a lot of games in your backlog (and half of them are games that last for months), and you're like me and you like to switch it up by playing a different game every so often, sometimes I forget what the last few things I did in a previois game. And when that happens i forget the story, or where I'm at in the story. Thus, making me lose interest in a backlog game. But if we had a program where it shows where you're at in the story, the last few things you did, what you need to do. That will always keep me updated on all my games and it would make me gain interest by remembering the very thing I need to do next. Feels like i went in a loop but had to explain that lol.

  5. to be honest after I saw the road to ps5 presentation I got a little depressed because of the specs only 36 CUs and 10.28 teraflops and that's with boost engaged. I currently have a xbox one x and I was really waiting for the ps5. because Microsoft said that most of the games on the xbox will work on the one x for at least two years. and on the ps5 I will be able to play all the ps4 games i missed upgraded, but now I'm starting to think that they won't even be upgraded like on the xsx. I also wonder how different the graphics are going to be (between this generation and the next) because I also have a 2080ti and even with ray tracing the different between one x and a pc that twice as powerful isn't really that noticeable to me, so the difference between 12 and 10 teraflops I wonder if it'll be that noticeable.

  6. They need to make a better PSN trophies interface and progression of those trophies, stats etc… They don't cater to trophy hunters enough

  7. This would be GREAT for Destiny. You see someone in the XMB is in patrol. Hit join. Game boots. Log in. Servers connect. Choose character. Orbit loads. Cannot join because the player is no longer in this session.

  8. For me, i don't care what the ps5 has, I'm buying it anyways. Here since p1,p2,p3,p4. Sony hasn't let me down since my yellow tape sportsman walkman.

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