PDF下載樣本「 GM033」 DIY無橡皮筋口罩,無需圖案紙即可輕鬆製作,無需三維橡皮筋口罩


  1. If you can download, please let me know, I am a novice and do not understand

  2. What thread is that? I'm new to sewing and want to know what type of large thread spool can be used.
    Also, what material did you use for the nose? Thank you.

  3. Who the f… does a three like that with the fingers!?!? Anyway, awesome video. Of the three thousands videos I've seen in the last month or so, this might be the best face mask video I've seen

  4. Olá sou Angela do Brasil gostei muito do seu video , vou fazer pois , a mask com elastico machuca a orelha , muito obrigado, so fiquei confusa ,pelo idioma ,vc Chinês ? Muito bom obrigado !!!Good Night.

  5. Gracias, desde Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia. Me encantan sus diseños. Tengo una pregunta: Qué cantidad de sesgo va alrededor de la oreja por la parte de encima?. Gracias.

  6. Thank you so much for the PDF download. There was not a problem downloading the pdf pattern. Having a pattern will be a great help, brilliant job, I'll be making it tomorrow. PS: I've already made one of your other face masks for my grandson, following another of your excellent videos on YouTube. I made it using a blue/grey camouflage patterned fabric repurposed from a densely woven cotton pillowcase. Thank you from the UK.  Stay safe, Stay home, Save the NHS (National Health Service). Save lives.

  7. You are a beast! Amazing ideas and designs, incredible seams with ear straps, irons against your own fingers and you didn't even flinch when that ghost slid the spool of thread! Just WOW!

  8. Thank you so much! I just downloaded the files, so thank you for the PDFs. I will be making this shortly. I very much like that it fastens with Velcro. You are so wonderful to share this. Big hug from New Mexico, USA

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