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  1. The game will be great I can tell Ik they will do better on this assassins creed then The previous ones I promise all you guys this one will bring the franchise back up ?

  2. Notice how it said gold edition. So I wonder if it』s going to be so different in groundbreaking compared to what the other two were. Or if they』re just going to rinse and repeat the same shit all over again focus on the store and getting money out of your wallet. So will probably get a platinum edition, a platinum plus addition, a gold super deluxe edition, the gold addition, a bronze addition, wood addition, the game by itself addition, half the game addition, the store addition, 1/4 of the map addition, etc. etc. etc. Thank God for CD project Red

  3. "i don't play Single player that much", that always confuses me lol. meaning he doesn't like them? Or he doesn't play them cuz his twitch chat doesn't like them?

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