PROT PALA真是不可思議! 8.3聖騎士防護指南

是的,prot pala很棒,因此請查閱8.3 prot paladin指南以了解齒輪,腐敗,最佳8.3 prot paladin精華以及prot …上的統計信息。

  1. hmmh, I missed Vision of Perfection which is used by top palas like zmonk and others. Give you a relatively constant rate of having your wings up, as well as reduce their cooldown. So, every 2nd time seraphim is ready, you also have your wings up, making you nearly immune (with appropriate ilvl) against physical damage, because of more than 103% of parry and shield block. The increase in dmg with that combo is also notable. Trying out different combos with my own prot pala, I find out, especially in m+, that this works fine. So, every 1 and half min. capable of doing a big pull.
    There is also the option to switch to retri an choose Light's decree, just for the effect having wings up for an additional 5 sec. This in combination with the major trait I mentioned above, really shines.

    An alternative to Bulwark of Light, especially when it comes to m+ where dmg of the tank also counts, is Avenger's Might which increases Mastery while wings are up. So, giving you a lot more of offensive but also a considerable amount of defensive extra shield block (I have this trait twice, gives me each time wings are up incl. the proccs additional 15% block).

  2. In M+ you should really go Last Defender. You only go Seraphim if you 100% know what you are doing. And 99,99% the people don't know what they do. Seraphim consumes your whole melee Block Mitigation with your shield. In higher Mythics you get huge Hits! That doesnt make any sence to go Seraphim. Its even better if the Tank can tank more and dps can kill more adds in big pulls (if the weak allow's it) instead of doing a bit more dps and getting hit like a truck.
    In some weeks it can be good to go for Seraphim. But Mitigation is the most important part!

  3. THANK YOU AGAIN! you are making every class and build seem viable XD my question to you is, which class do you main/prefer as of this time?

  4. First Avenger can be a viable talent pick in dungeons if you have more than one ranged DPS, it increases your ability to hit interrupts quite a bit. I also find it really useful in Horrific visions for the same reason. HoP is also something that shouldn't be overlooked for some weeks when damage may go out across the group. Lastly if you have a Twilight dev, Anima minor is never an awful idea.

  5. Oh shit, glad I have been gearing up my prot pally.. Another amazing video, boiz.. let's gooooooo… Hope you guys are doing well and staying safe, Kiwi and I are sending lots of meows and good vibes your way.

  6. Here to drop a comment. Only thing, as a paladin main, once u are geared, use crucible of flame major. You wont be sorry

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