
新婚夫婦在由Vincente Minnelli輕率指揮的The Long,Long Trailer中度蜜月,此後,Lucille Ball和Desi Arnaz過著幸福的生活。他們很快發現,移動拖車的內部非常適合扔凱撒沙拉-以及其他所有東西。備份他們40英尺,三噸重的房屋比穿一根戴著拳擊手套的針頭要困難得多。那個拖車公園的人是鄰居,他們通過破壞新婚之夜將愛情鳥的裝備變成錯誤,錯誤的拖車。

聯合主演的喜劇演員瑪喬麗·梅恩(Marjorie Main)和基南·永利(Keenan Wynn)(在米高梅時代,鮑爾經常出演),在《我愛露西》(I Love Lucy)熱潮的高峰期拍攝了這張紅極一時的影片,充滿了創造性的視線和肢體幽默,使該系列成為了該系列電視地標。如果您喜歡預告片,您將愛上電影! #預告片#WB

  1. This old movies are so funny with their twin beds, especially for newlyweds, and when they get mad someone sleeps on the couch. As if they weren't already sleeping separately! ?. Always enjoyed Lucy and Desi in whatever they made, grew up watching them, over and over. So sad they couldn't make their marriage last.

  2. I bought the movie a few years ago. Saw the movie when it came out. Always thought it was one of the best I ever saw. Funny and clean. I also loved watching Red Skeleton and Carol Burnett all clean humor.

  3. I grew up with I love Lucy, and even though her other movies you don』t have to pay for I think this is a classic that should be seen by everybody without the pay.,

  4. just like in I love Lucy. Lucy was so stupid I would have divorced her and saved myself a lifetime of grief.Either that or opened the door and pushed her off the cliff.

  5. 3/30/18: Some of my FAVORITE movies : The long, long trailer. It started in Naples. Harvey. The Bad Seed. Alice Adams. Cause for Alarm. Your, Mine and Ours. No Down Payment. Life with Father. Father of the Bride. Father』s Little Dividend. Pillow Talk. The Birds. The Best of Everything. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The Bible. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Pa & Ma Kettle movies. Lover Come Back. The Egg and I. The Rose Tattoo. The Bicycle Thief. The Red Balloon. Marriage Italian Style….my list goes on but, I think I』ll STOP here for now. What』s some of YOUR FAVORITE CLASSICS?

  6. Did I just get ripped off, YouTube? Paid $2.99 to watch a black screen with a buffering arrow go around in circles … to the right … kinda like evangelical Christian logic? Really? Now we know the price of my education …

  7. Had same problem with buffering or sound was fine but picture was slow, didn't think that would happen paying for a movie please fix. Besides that love this movie! ?

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