PS5與Xbox Series X規格比較-哪一個功能更強大?

Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5在功能上都比其八代遊戲機有了真正的飛躍。這些遊戲機能夠提供真正的4K體驗,而PS4 Pro和Xbox One X不會帶來任何妥協。

其增強的CPU使新的遊戲體驗成為可能。而且,儘管兩個控制台看起來非常相似(均為Zen 2 / RDNA 2盒子,具有可比的GPU和CPU功能),但PS5的Tempest引擎等附件和強制的跨代兼容性等「功能」,至少在Xbox Series X的發布一開始就意味著,在2020年假期臨近時,買家可能會掌握很多選擇。





  1. My concern for Xbox is that they will start off with only cross-gen games, and PS5 will do some PS5 exclusives. Those PS5 exclusives might look significantly better than Series X cross-gen games. If the PS5 is cheaper and has some amazing looking exclusives that Xbox can't match for the first 1-2 years, Sony could get off to a huge lead.

  2. I heard Xbox is still gonna use battery』s??‍♂️and cost around 500$ and ps5 is not and will cost around 470$ might as well get the ps5??‍♂️. Im pissed about that, I』ve been a Xbox guy since 2007 .

  3. I sold my Ps4 Pro cause I'm just not interested in Playstation anymore. I went from Nintendo consoles to Ps1 to Ps2 and then got a Ps3 and I didn't like it. Switched to Xbox 360 and loved it for 7 years. I love my Xbox One X as a result. I just am not interested in Playstation games anymore. I found The Last Of Us to be boring and I decided to just watch someone else play it for the story aspect. I 100%ed the first 3 God Of War games and I didn't like God Of War 2018 at all. You could argue for me to get a gaming rig instead of an Xbox and I'm like nope, been there and done that. If you can find me a gaming rig for $300 that can play modern games without problems, I'll sell you a bridge to China. I'll definitely be getting the Series X and will pass on PS5.

  4. I'm getting the one that has the best UI and doesn't bug out. My friends have XBox and so far what I've seen is that Warzone will sometimes load, sometimes not. Same issue with PUBG. Destiny 2, which is old as hell, has ridiculous loading times.

    So yeah, the most stable system wins in my eyes. I'll wait a few months before purchasing either system.

    Oh and I really hope they both either supports mouse/keyboard or let me use my Xim

  5. Adequate cooling for a APU is important for next-gen consoles , especially for sony they have to nail this one down right or it can be desaterious for them , as they could have a Microsoft 360 red ring of death . Just remember heat is your biggest problem , and keeping those components within a certain temperature is what allows those components to function properly or get destroyed , because of inadequate cooling!!!

  6. I have went from ps2 to a Xbox 360 then a Xbox one s then ps4 I』m really tied between the two as they both look fantastic so it』s down to how many replies I get for series x or ps5 I』ll let you guys decide The only thing Sony has the upper hand on is there fantastic exclusives although I could just buy them for my ps4 Ughhh it』s so hard cause I would love a state of decay 3

  7. They are both truly excellent and massive leaps forward for us gamers. The Jump from the PS3&360 to the PS4 & XBOX1 was so disappointing at the time, this upgrade is a world away from those times

  8. Another 3rd party channel seeking attention on a product owned by someone else and yes we have all seen the specs showing the up and coming XBOX will clearly out power playsyation.

  9. Everyone knows which one is more Powerful. XSX is 50× More Powerfull than the PS5. Mator of fact the Stadia is more Powerful than the PS5 and it's practically free lmao. Now that's embarrassing, and sad for Sony and it's fan boy's SMH.

  10. I've always been a Sony guy, I've owned every model Playstation: when the x1x came out I considered buying it, but the game library couldn't justify the buy. Im hearing Microsoft is actually going to produce a bunch of 1st party games for this next gen…. maybe this gen ill own my first Xbox. Im deffinantly buying a ps5 but ill hold off on the Xbox until I see games. I wanted the x1x so badly to be a great system (which it is) but its like owning a race car with very little road to drive on… yeah sure all the Xbox games for the 1st gen Xbox to the current can be played but that didn't justify me buying a x1x. I want games that sell the console, which is what I'm hearing Microsoft is doing… in the end the consumer wins ?

  11. not one of them will support ice cream tipped inside or being able to throw it against wall when bored,,for these plp wanting these features they do support graphics that will play minecraft twice to three times a year by many bratty rich kids who will own both just to say to poorer kids they own neither and you cant play on either of theirs {even the spare ones for the kitchen with chocolate in the disc drives}

  12. Old pc』s is still better than these unreleased gaming consoles. I』m finally about to build my first pc because it』s just more logical than buy an outdated gaming console that you can』t even upgrade or modify.

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