元素開關軸現在已損壞| MHW冰山

元素開關斧頭元生成,最終並不是造成Brachy或Safi Swaxe造成傷害。請享用!

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我使用Honey Hunter Builder優化了構建:
水:https://honeyhunterworld.com/mhwbi/?2471,283,266,264,260,264,14,elem:3-7;;123456;;-;;;;,0,0,0,0,0,339,5,5,339,96 ,0,161,75,13,​​161,5,0,152,87,5,5:0:0:0:0:0:0
雷聲:https://honeyhunterworld.com/mhwbi/?2475,283,266,264,260,264,15,elem:3-7;;123456;;-;;;;,0,0,0,0,0,339,5,5,339,96 ,0,161,75,13,​​161,5,0,152,9,5,5:0:0:0:0:0:0
冰:https://honeyhunterworld.com/mhwbi/?2477,283,266,264,260,264,81,elem:3-7;;123456;;-;;;;,0,0,0,0,0,339,5,5,339,96 ,0,110,75,38,110,5,0,152,38,5,5:0:0:0:0:0:0
火:https://honeyhunterworld.com/mhwbi/?2472,283,266,264,260,264,13,elem:3-7;;123456;;-;;;;,0,0,5,0,0,339,5,5,339,96 ,0,161,75,13,​​161,5,0,152,8,5,5:0:0:0:0:0:0
龍:https://honeyhunterworld.com/mhwbi/?2474,283,266,264,260,264,81,elem:3-7;;123456;;-;;;;,0,0,5,0,0,339,5,5,339,75 ,0,112,30,20,112,5,0,152,20,96,5:0:0:0:0:0:0


 #CatGang #Switch_Axe #Iceborne

  1. Although dragon is not the best element for specifics Monsters, i like to use it as a general weapon cause there are also not a lot of Monsters resistant to It. But also i don't know how the weaknesses work at all so… Idk

  2. Personalmente ho fatto questa build una settimana fa quasi ormai e non ho visto sta grande potenza su le kajar, calcolando che dovete notare che gioca senza regen e con un armatura saffi, valutate bene

  3. I prefer power prolonger bc if you're going to spam zsd, you're not going to lose much sharpness anyway, and I'm also above those sub-humans who don't use whetfish scale+s.

  4. … great! I』m a SA main since Tri
    But most confess since base world I』ve HATED protective polish
    That』s the only downside of these, I love master』s touch because I never have to sharpen, I』ll give it a try

  5. Speaking of elemental swords, are Kjarr Elem LSs relevant in any way? Or am I still better with the Brachy one? Or the "new" taroth sword fire?

  6. What I hope happens with Alatreon is either:
    1: We can customize the element on the weapons rather than it just being Dragon only.
    2, Probably unrealistic, but would be super cool: The element switches to whatever element a monster's hitzone is weakest to. Like, hit Teo in the head and it deals water, but hit him in the hind legs and it does ice.

  7. Sadly even with this, it is most likely effective against monster with elemental weakness of 30. At 25 it might or might not be that effective, and at 20 raw is just better.

  8. You know how much grinding I've done already to max Augments all my CB and SnS for Elemental? Now I have to grind some more.

  9. Already tested this before, and too be honest I'm not seeing any decent damage changes from the Shatteraxe. Both the Kjarr elemental SA's and the previous setup for Shatteraxe reach the same numbers on an enraged, tenderized weakspot, due to Shatteraxe fitting Peak Performance, Attack 7 and Agitator 7.

    The Kjarr SA's do however, exceed the damage of the Shatteraxe when the monster's not enraged. That's the only time I'm seeing the 10% damage difference. Though it's nice to have some choices.

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