控制中-射擊手獵人PvP(沸騰的魔獸世界BFA 8.3)

補丁8.3 MM獵人沸騰海岸BG。因此,我開始更加專註於團隊定位。作為一名神槍手獵人,我在人群中脫穎而出,對於近戰者來說,專註於移動性較小的目標的麻煩就更少了。但總是要緊逼目標,直到目標死亡為止。為什麼?我們不需要像鎖一樣建立DoT,也不必像無賴一樣維護毒藥。無論我們瞄準什麼,都將立即擁有我們的全部能力。


#World of Warcraft #VisionsOfNZoth #HunterPvP



  1. WoW, that first fight was tight!

    I was thinking that what I love the most about retail is the PVP and how engaging / dynamic it is. (disclaimer: not necessarily fair, lol)

    I mean this in the sense that you actively have to use all of your abilities with reaction to a foe that cannot necessarily be scripted. This element/challenge is one that I wish was incorporated to the actual world of warcraft, en masse. For example, applying Mage Tower level of difficulty to open world content. What do you think ?

    As always, I like the video.

  2. That half naked Paladin reminded me of my own for a moment. However, my set is modeled after the '300' style Spartans. My Pally also is a Chad El- I mean Blood Elf xP

    Silly humans.

  3. Hey bro! Grat video, i always watch them. One question, do you always use versatile navigation? You think is the strongest enchant?

  4. Always great gameplay! How you feeling about hunter in Shadowlands? Have you thought about what talent/spec changes?

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