
自2019年1月以來,Retro Studios一直在後台慢慢更新Metroid Prime 4,我們一直在頻道上對此進行報道。在最新更新中,我們涵蓋了所有之前的更新,包括我以前沒有提到的更新,以及視頻末尾的全新更新。




簡介音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 669pNaW1HU8

#MetroidPrime4 #RetroStudios #NintendoSwitch

  1. Welcome back guys to another New Metroid Prime 4 update video. It's been a bit of time since our last update, but here we have some really cool new info to discuss and along with it I've put it into the biggest info video on Metroid Prime 4 I've ever done on the channel, covering all the info we know thus far since the game re-started development back in early 2019. If you enjoy this one, hit the like button and sub for more Metroid content in the future. Thank you for your support as always.

  2. I would love to see them take all the tools they are using for 4 to remake the first 3. Redo the terrain but without disrupting how the originals would play, refine cutscenes with minor changes (i.e. more cinematic/dramatic cutscenes for the bosses like Omega Pirate and Meta Ridley). But for the Omega Pirate death/Phazon Suit scene in Prime 1, they need to do it like the original did. In the trilogy, she just gets up like nothing happened, just a new suit. The original made it seem like the phazon was infecting her suit and causing extreme amounts of pain. That was – and still is – one of the my favorites scenes in any game, that scene with the new jet-black suit was one of the most badass things I never saw coming as a kid lol.

  3. I just hope they leave the Metroidvania in Metroid Prime 4 intact, which they took a notch down in Prime 3. Please let it still be a first person action adventure-exploration inspired by Super Metroid and the first Prime and not wannabe Halo…

  4. Well even though that it is nice we're going to get the 4th sequel of the Metroid Prime series, but I rather at least have the Metroid Prime Trilogy game to be release on the Nintendo Switch console. After all, there might be some people who are new to the Prime series and/or other stuffs like that so they can have fun getting caught up with the story. I was able to completely beat Metroid Prime 1 on the Nintendo Gamecube, but wasn't able the complete and beat Prime 2 game yet and I've already sold my whole Gamecube stuffs. Plus, I haven't got started on the Prime 3 since I also sold my Nintendo Wii stuffs. So I'm pretty much that behind on the story of that series.

  5. Hyped for it.. The only nagging thought in the back of my head is… Since it's so delayed… will it be a launch title for a next gen Switch with updated specs? Like Zelda BOTW launched on Switch and Wii U at the same time? With all the talk of that high end graphics designers and developers… is the current Switch enough to handle all of what they're trying to accomplish? I still think all of these cool tools are useful, even if the end result is relatively low poly and low resolution textures. This is a game that kinda has to run in 60fps in my opinion… I have a feeling the the launch will be 2021 spring/ summer.

  6. I haven't bought a Nintendo console since the N64, but I bought a Switch hoping Nintendo would bring the Prime Trilogy to the Switch. Breath of the Wild was joke and I was extremely disappointed with it!

    If Nintendo doesn't deliver with the Prime trilogy then fuck Nintendo.

    Nintendo is a kiddie company, which is exactly the reason I stopped playing Nintendo over 20 years ago.

  7. Samus*walks slowly while being on guard*

    Ground shake and breaks ice

    The players" Awww shit here we go again!"
    Aion metal ridley * roaaaaarrrs!!*

  8. That intro was sublime! The underwater frigate music played on the piano in the background was stellar, it definitely brought back some memories..

    I really wish Prime 4 captures the awe and wonder of the atmosphere of the first Prime, the difficulty and many challenges found on Prime 2 and the scale and grandeur of Pirme 3 on top of adding it's unique twist to the series in terms of gameplay and such in order to push it forwards. Probably a little bit too much to ask, but a guy can dream.

  9. Dude! What a great video about the next installment in the greatest videogaming franchise. I can't wait for this game. I will be incredibly angry if we never get it because of what a certain country has done to the world. It's hard to work on a game of this scale when you have a pandemic to deal with.

    But back to your video. Really great stuff. You rekindled my excitement again. With everything that's going on in the world, I kinda forget about the game sometimes and just focus my thoughts on other stuff.

    It's going to be an amazing sight to experience a Metroid game looking like never before. They games have always been beautiful, but we're going to finally see this world in an amazing high def presentation.

    Back in the Wii days, we would all shout "Graphics don't matter." But now it's time. It's time to see Samus and her world as never before. I believe we're gonna get something special.

  10. Sr. Shinya Takahashi…If we can play Metroid Prime Trilogy now meanwhile your team make MP4…This days would be perfect. But…bad Nintendo very bad.

  11. I』m glad that there is still some development news being made for this game. As far as the trailer this year, I don』t think enough time has passed since the recent hirings for there to be enough material to make a significant reveal trailer, my bets are on November/Late December at least. But, thats just my guess

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