ME巨人(2018)|完整電影預告片|全高清| 1080p

喬納斯·泰勒(Jonas Taylor)逃避了他聲稱是70英尺高的鯊魚的襲擊後,必須面對他的擔心,以拯救被困在沉沒的潛水器中的人。
導演:喬恩·特爾特陶布(Jon Turteltaub)編劇:迪恩·格格加里斯(Dean Georgaris)(編劇),喬恩·霍伯(Jon Hoeber)(編劇)主演:傑森·斯坦森,李冰冰,雷恩·威爾遜


  1. türk telekom özgür çetin ürün inceleme ve araştırma, inceleme ve araştırma, ben bu gün önce ve bu sitede yer almaması gerektiği konusunda da ,toplum şey ben ben 5

  2. The black guy was stupid! And the best actor I think was the dog when he turned around when he seen the shark, all in all a good ass movie

  3. The Meg Film Available PopCorn80

    Asks little more of you than to strap in, put away your phone and enjoy watching a freakishly huge prehistoric eating machine terrorize some scientists before it turns its appetite to a beach full of frolickers on floaties. ?

  4. Nice, another unoriginal stupid movie depicting sharks as evil killers. That would surely help them to not being hunted down to extinction by asians.

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