吸血鬼:化裝舞會-Bloodlines 2' Come Dance'預告片





大戰略遊戲的遊戲玩法。 CK2,EU4,HOI4,Stellaris和Imperator。

  1. I don't care how long they take making this game, I only ask two things please be a freaking masterpiece I have wait for a really long time since the first bloodline and can we have a blood bond Ghoul servant that we didn't need to lose 🙁 I'm still sad for it…

  2. Massive fan of the original, and really looking forward to this… But….
    That's some janky animation. Also, the character models look like they're from 5 years ago. Hopefully, they'll improve it before launch.
    On the upside, the environments look great.

  3. I noticed it just said "PC", not "Steam" and such. Since a lot of other games with Steam storepages pre-order have since gone Epic exclusive, this has me very worried. Does anyone have any info on this? Any tweets regarding it or such?

  4. I don't want to sound like hater i'm big fan of WoD but only thing that can save this game is hopefully excellent story,because everything i saw till now is NOT good,like at all!!! I really hope story will make up for it!!!

  5. Why does this look more like dishonored vs the previous masquerade? Please dont focus so much on graphics and mechanics so much that you neglect the story. Masquerade is supposed to be a game of choices and how the effect the world around you.

  6. For PS5? So that means, if the stick to their 2020 release, it'll be out near the end of the year? Can't wait! BTW, I'm a Gangrel. Wish you could choose your Clan, not just Thinblood. Buut it makes sense in the story plot, I guess, so ok.

  7. Still waiting on that new release date but judging from the theme, I guess this holiday season. Te last 3 months are either going to kill us, kill our wallets or both.

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