震撼人心的瘋狂!魔獸世界BFA 8.3




  1. Hey Snupy one question, was playing feral from vanila to legion then left wow. BFA don´t like and woul come back in Shadowlands. ( play only classic for now).

    In Shadowlands, a feral druid would use his bear form more like in tbc/wotlk , or it will be like BFA, only catform ???
    It was really fun to play back then, just like warrior´s stance Dancing, a pleasure to watch a good feral swifting…..
    Now in BFA I see they are all cat form, put the bleeds on and run….. 🙁

    Keep up the good work, nice videos !

  2. @Snupy you just made me want to main a feral Druid… I main a Ret Pally, but I』ve been toying around with other classes, because I think it』s time for change for Shadowlands. With that being said will you be maining a feral in SL? Considering the state they are in, in Alpha right now?

  3. Hey dude just found this channel and havent played wow since a year now.. but i still love to watch pvp specialy arena vids on youtube and i love to watch you play! ceep doing this great vids theyre really fun to watch!

  4. can u make a guide on how to burst with feral? i cant do much burst with my feral, item level 457, i crit maks 47k with fero bite

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