PS5泄漏日期比我們想像的要早! | Playstation 5智能交付| PS5最新消息2020

像Xbox Series X一樣,Playstation 5是否具有Smart Delivery?

PS5泄漏日期比我們想像的要早! | Playstation 5智能交付| PS5最新消息2020

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PS5正式發布日期是什麼時候? Playstation 5的發布日期何時?

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  1. So many people saying that Sony's strategy is stupid by not revealing much at the moment.
    But i see it as Sony is playing a move referred to as
    "The Rope-a-Dope"

  2. Yeah, Microsoft really screw up this time no doubt! ?
    Sony really needs to step up now, and the best way to do it is to strike back Immediately! maybe give us sme real gameplay runing on the ps5 or something like that!
    And i really hope that the next ps5 event is going to be something special so all Sony fans can build up all their hype for the ps5!
    So Please Sony, don't make the same mistake as Microsoft did! ?
    Microsoft really needs all the luck they can get no,
    so good luck I guess! ?

  3. EA clarified that is not Smart Delivery at all, they have a *window*, a small one actually, upon which you can redeem the next-gen version. Sorry!

  4. I think I』m a lone voice, but, although I think patches for resolution / fps upgrades to ps5 should be free, full remasters (with raytracing and other significant benefits like 4k textures, improved AI etc) shouldn』t be free unless the dev and publisher wants it to be. Game development is ridiculously expensive and I want devs to thrive, not just survive, as games get bigger, more complex, and even more costly to make…

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