Telegram Sex Video Scandal(Telegram Nth Room)登陸韓國


韓國「 Telegram Nth Room」案的主要嫌疑人Cho Joo Bin正在接受調查。據稱,他誘使受害者拍照,後來強迫他們進行更可怕的性行為。迄今已確定74名受害者,其中16名未成年人,最小的是10歲。這些聊天室的確切人數尚未確定,但警方查明了260,000個錢包,錢包的持有者將這些錢寄給了Cho。數字性犯罪集團在韓國並非史無前例,但第N個房間背後的這種殘暴行為引起了全國範圍的強烈抗議。受害者被勒索成皮膚上的名字並從馬桶里喝水,震驚了整個國家。故意觀看或持有由脅迫產生的非法內容的人也將被定為性犯罪者,並處以最高三年監禁或最高三千萬韓元的罰款。

  1. Cant beleive the country i love the most bec of bts has such a terrible dark side. Its a curse that korea has lot of smart phone users with 5g

  2. This is messed up be safe online and because of COVID-19 stay home you are going to get bored at home but don't text random people on social media text your friends hang out with your fam

  3. Women's position is lower than men in South Korea. I know people who study in south korea and they said there women are just expected to bear children and become a house wife. I mean Japan is similar too. So many women's dream job is to become a house wife. Maybe there's a difference between willing to be versus forced.

  4. 10…that's just crazy.
    the dude said if im going down, I'm taking them with me. Bruh they deserve more severe punishment than just 3 yrs behind bars OR just $24000. Imagine all the lives they have ruined not just physically but mentally. This is just…I have no more words.

  5. South korea as an advanced democracy is transparent not only is this covid outbreak but all social issues. Thats why these cases pops up. Every country has similar issues but not every country is transparent and many cases and social problems are just not revealed by their media

  6. The man is also called "the devil" in Korea, and he's got a lot of boos and criticism. He still doesn't know what he did wrong.
    그 남자는 한국내에서 "악마"와 같다라고 불리며, 많은 야유와 지탄을 받고있습니다. 그러나 그는 자신이 무엇을 잘못햇는지 일말의 죄책감도 없었습니다.

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