
自從Xbox系列x在本周發布新遊戲以來,索尼的PS5泄漏就一直猖ramp。 Playstation聲明它將在6月2日完全公開或發布,從而釋放了潛在的遊戲規則改變者-真的嗎?


在過去的幾個月中,我們已經看到大量的PlayStation 5泄漏事件,但是Twitter用戶PSErebus的最新泄漏事件有所不同,後者聲稱自己對Sony有深入的了解。它們比我們以前見過的任何東西都要詳細得多,這使我們認為它們很可能是合法的!但是,當然,您無法相信在互聯網上看到的所有內容。

PSErebus認為,我們最終將在2020年6月2日看到PS5的最終設計,這意味著我們只需要再進行一個月的概念設計和設計泄漏,即可了解真實情況。索尼將在活動中推出該遊戲機,並於當月開始接受預訂。他還相信該遊戲機將於2020年11月20日發布,並且許多PS4遊戲將在第一天就能利用PS5的Boost模式。最重要的是,PSErebus還認為PS5的最終設計將在《 PlayStation Official Magazine UK》第176期的封面上發表。 PSErebus沒有成為準確泄密者的記錄,但是這些推文中的大量細節使我們對他的看法有所不同。


有關版權事宜,請通過以下方式與我們聯繫:[email protected]

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  1. I just wanna see a legitimate ps5 update for horizon zero dawn because that game already looked incredible on the Pro and a 4K hdr tv. I』m also so excited for the inevitable sequel.

  2. ……..So for PS2 we get three GTA titles, for PS3 and XBOX360 we get two GTA titles, and for PS4 and Xbox one we get none? What kind of Sh*t is that?

  3. Who cares what either of the consoles look like? Obviously they're going to have to design it for most effective cooling so I imagine itd look similar to the XSX. But really as long as it does what its supposed to who really cares?

  4. More Sony fake leaks?? Sony needs to promote their weaker console anyway they can just to keep getting views. Sony having problems and can't reveal more than a logo, specs and a controller. They obviously fixing problems behind the scenes. Limited quantity at launch just to charge a higher price for a weaker console. Good luck Sony. Watch Microsoft Xbox dominate next gen

  5. I told people the one and only responsible reason is that Sony waited on xbox to get there spec's and than adjust that to the ps5 sony just want to be the best in the game from launch has nothing to do whit Corona it's just a good excuse for them to hide the real reson

  6. QTNA: and this goes for both consoles but particularly ps5. Will the SSD make downloading and installing a game go faster? Like only take a couple of minutes? If so why the need to go buy external storage? You can just uninstall a game you don』t play anymore and if you wanna revisit it, just shuffle some more around.

  7. PS5 reveal in two weeks. June 2nd will be magazine with official teardown. everything else in 100%. No Boost mode… All automatically done by hardware.

  8. Whole video multiple times "these leaks could be false but we think they might be true"

    5:18 "We think they're false but hope they're true"

    Ahh Youtubers, always hyping things up then back tracking to cover their asses

  9. "But of course you can't believe everything you see on the internet"

    puts Ellie's face from the latest TLOU2 trailer

    OOF … shots f****ing fired allright!

  10. Maybe SONY are hanging back as more and more rendered concepts are released by designers and then they'll just copy one. Lol. It is a crazy scenario when the renders online look better than anything SONY can produce for the price point they are aiming for. The conceptual renders look like £600-700 but I would pay that to be honest for such a good looking console.

  11. I'm just waiting to see what happens, but with the delays in Sony's information I have been tempted by getting an Xbox, which hasn't happened before. Come on Sony, give us some information & convince me to stay with my loyalties.

  12. Let's put all this into a time perspective, in other words a time travel theory. If he's right or close enough that would make Sony and the rest of the world freak out. With the current living conditions that we're in right now it would be easier for time travelers to come back in time since they can't be seen. Which in this case would imply that if this dude is correct he's a time traveler or a an incredibly good leaker. Just a thought of my crazy imagination nothing else.

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