新的AOV補丁下載! (法師增益,巨大的埃羅爾增益以及更多!)|勇士競技場

英勇競技場明天將獲得新更新,並且對Errol,Liliana,Kahlii等英雄的平衡會有很大變化!和往常一樣,我將遍歷它們,並告訴大家我對這個新的AOV補丁的看法! AOV的新變化主要是好的,有一個特殊的塔架變化可能會使遊戲不必要地更長,但也可能會促進更多早期的遊戲戰鬥,我們將對此進行介紹。除此之外,平衡變化總體來說還算不錯,對像莉莉亞娜和埃羅爾這樣需要英雄的英雄們來說,他們的表現也不錯。不幸的是,像潘恩(Paine)和拉維爾(Laville)這樣的OP英雄所缺少的專家們,但我們總是可以期待下一個補丁。希望您喜歡這個新的AOV補丁程序!




►業務諮詢:[email protected]




#aov #newpatch #newupdate

  1. also minas ultimate is the problem. even after a successful ult i see heroes that got caught they can still use flicker or other abilities which is a bit ridiculous considering mina doesnt have anything else other than a pull.

  2. They really dont know how to balance this game properly. First off errols kits seems to be a pure damage kit so his health should be healed not based on percentage of his health which wont be that high but based on his damage output.

  3. I always thought Mina was good already. I』m play I』m veteran ranked and use to have 70% wr and she still good. I use the cooldown enchantment. 10 % dmg reduction when you ult and you can hook again right after you ult. The enemies stays stunned in one spot for a good few seconds.

  4. ots so sad india dont get their own inspired hero khali cus of their attachment with their god its good but too much is not

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