在其他水域-發射拖車-Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch現已提供《其他水域》!


#InOtherWaters #NintendoSwitch

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  1. The thumbnail was misleading, and that's right, but the game looks gorgeous anyway.
    Also I loved the sounds, so relaxing and mysterious.

  2. 15 bucks for staring on a dashboard while listening to whale music by 50 year old neckbeards. Enjoy! Like, share and subscribe! One question stays open: Is the dashboard constantly rotating in 3d space while you play the game or was this just an idea to make the trailer look more interesting than the game?

  3. Okay so I know that this was "clickbait" but for someone who's a giant biology nerd, I am head over heels for this game. I'm two levels in, and the worldbuilding is absolutely phenomenal. Every species is well thought out, as well with their relations to other species, and their role in the reef. That's so friggen hard to do, and this game amazes me

  4. Alien ocean world where you play as an ai that has to guide the human in the thumbnail to all the interesting sites, that you can not see yourself. You get nice drawings and good soundtrack though..a little disappointed.

  5. They should create a Super Mario party for Android and iPhone as it is a well-known game that is simple to play but strategic and an online version and a campaign to carry a story.

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